The Curse

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I put a comforter on the floor and set up my improvised bed for the meantime but Tiffany kept insisting that she wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor.

"But you're guest," I said as I settled my pillow.

Tiffany was sitting on my bed slightly pouting "But Taeyeon... you should sleep  in your bed. Let me sleep there," she said trying to convince me but I made up my mind.

"I'm fine here Tiffany, get some rest. I know you're tired," I said then tucked myself in my comforter.

"Taeyeon... I can't sleep like this... if you don't sleep in your bed I'd rather leave then," she stood up.

I sat up quickly "What's wrong with you? I told you it's fine." 

"But this is your room, your just letting me stay here. It's too much, I'm like taking advantage of your kindness." She sternly said.

"You're not. It's my will so go to sleep." I firmly said.

She shook her head "Let me sleep on the floor."

"That would never happen..."

"Then let's sleep together in your bed," she proposed.

I got dumbfounded "Huh? What?" I stuttered.

"Let's sleep together in your bed," she repeated.

"What? Are you crazy? We can't sleep together..." I panicked as I stammered.

She rolled her eyes "I'm not crazy and we will just sleep together. What's wrong with that? We're both girls y'know or even if you're a guy, it doesn't matter because we will just sleep. Duh."

I gulped, if you only knew you wouldn't dare to sleep with me.

"I will leave or we will sleep together? It's your choice Taeyeon," she said as if it would be my loss.

I sighed "Fine. You leave."

She didn't react but replied "Okay." She was about to get her stuffs.

"Hey hey I'm just kidding," I stood up. "Let's sleep together then." I folded my comforter.

"Yay!" She quickly went to my bed and tucked herself in then she patted the space next to her "Come..."

Her eyesmile was so cute and it made me smile too. Tiffany is really something more.

"Okay..." I laid myself next to her.

Tiffany leaned closer to me and I couldn't help but to be conscious to myself. I could feel that she was staring at me.

"What?" I asked as I glanced at her.

"I'm just happy that I met you and we became friends," she said as her hand slid around my stomach.

I swallowed silently.

"I'm sorry, I'm clingy I can't sleep without hugging pillow," she explained.

"So I'm a pillow huh?"

"Can you be my pillow for tonight?" She asked bashfully. I glanced at her and she was blushing really hard.

I couldn't control my emotion and I became nervous.


Then suddenly my phone alarmed awfully loud. I knew it.

"What's that?" Tiffany asked.

"It's my phone alarming..." I almost forgot the curse. Damn it.

I took my phone on the nightstand then saw it was already 8:50 pm! I suddenly got up "Shit!"

Tiffany sat up "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! You go to sleep!" I quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Taeyeon, what's happening to you? Are you alright?" I heard Tiffany asked.

"I'm fine! You go to sleep Tiffany!" I replied.

Gosh. I guess I will sleep here in the bathroom.

I shivered "But it's kinda cold here," I mumbled. It was a good thing that I wore baggy shirt and pajama. It would fit on me later.

This is why I don't want Tiffany to be my roommate, the curse keeps messing my life. It started when I turned 16.. My family used spells, they're wizards. Yeah, you can call it that way. But I chose to be a normal human being. I mean, I didn't study spells and do magic.

My grandparents were the most powerful wizards. They were genius. They did witchcraft and necromancy but they didn't harm people with their gained power. They helped them instead.

There was this witch that became their enemy. She didn't like how they helped others. She wanted to rule the world and my grandparents disagreed. They fought and of course, my grandparents won but before the witch died, she left a curse to them. Actually, only to me. Their youngest grandchild will suffer with this curse.

I'm not mad at them but I always question why god let me suffer like this? I don't want to blame anyone but it's just... frustrating that I'm experiencing this.

I can't get close to anyone because of this curse. I lost Baekhyun because of this and I think I'm gonna lose my life because of this.

I only have my older sister now and she promised me that she will make a spell that will free me from the curse. My older sister is different from me, she can do magic and spells. She's smart and independent woman. She takes care of me since our parents died.

I glanced at my phone and saw the time, it was 8:59. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I couldn't feel anything. When I transform, it's just quick like just a snap of fingers.

But I felt my clothes got smaller so I slowly opened my eyes and saw myself in the mirror.

I changed, indeed. I could still see that I resemble to my real self but still, everything changed.

It was all quiet outside and I thought Tiffany was sleeping already. I needed to get blanket because it was freezing here in the bathroom. Just quick. I didn't want her to see me or she would freak out.

I cautiously opened the door then to my surprise, Tiffany was sitting in front of the door. She was awake as she met my eyes.

"Taeyeon, what's wrong-" She paused as she stared at me.

I swallowed hard, she saw my transformed body!

"Wait... who..." She muttered confused.

"Tiffany... let me explain..." I said with my hoarse voice.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get here? And why you're wearing Taeyeon's clothes?" She asked bewildered.


She stood up "Why you know my name? And I thought guys are not allowed here?"

Yeah. She said it.

I became a dude and it would last till 6 am. It became my routine since I turned 16.

Sweet. I'm doomed.


Some already knew it right? Good guess. ☺

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