Unexpected Guess

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Sunday Morning.

I was really comfortable in my position, my face was buried on a soft pillow so I nuzzled on it more. It felt so amazing and the scent was really familiar to me.

Then I felt an arm was wrapped around me "Are you awake Tae?" Tiffany whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw her chest. My face was on her chest.  Not again.

"You really like my boobs Tae..."

I blushed hard then pulled away from her "I'm sorry I didn't know." I was embarrassed, it was the second time that this happened.

Tiffany giggled "I don't mind... You really looked comfortable a while ago and you looked so cute sleeping." She slowly moved on top of me.

"Tiffany... w-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered nervously.

"I feel like I'm more comfortable with the real you. Don't get me wrong, I'm also comfortable with your boy version but this is kinda different. I can't explain it Tae but I'm more attracted to the real you," she suddenly confessed as she glanced at my lips then looked back to my eyes.

I understand her and I'm actually happy because of that.

"Can I kiss you Tae?" She asked permission.

"You don't have to ask Fany... you can kiss me whenever you want. You're my girlfriend," I sweetly smiled at her.

She nodded then slowly leaned to me and captured my lips. I closed my eyes and just felt her soft and warm lips. The frenzied feeling inside me burst. 

Tiffany was a bit aggressive as she initiated the moves. My idle hands started to move on her back. Her lips moved delicately and it was intoxicating me.

My heart was burning with desire, I liked the way she moved her lips, the way she kissed me. It wasn't rush but I could feel the excitement. 

The sensation was weird but I loved it.

We were both enjoying the moment and none of us wanted to end it. My heart started pounding at a great unusual rate. It was like, it would come out of my rib cage and I started getting lost in her scent.

The kiss kept going for what seemed like forever. It was wonderful then I heard her moan quietly into my mouth and it turned me on.

Sex. It's part of relationship but I guess it's too early for us to do that so I'm trying hard to control myself with her. I don't want to rush our relationship to the next level because we just started dating and we have forever. That's surely a long time.

Yes, I see myself with her in the future.

Tiffany slowly pulled away and broke the kiss. I didn't realize that my eyes were closed all this while, I slowly opened it. We were both panting as we stared at each other lovingly. 

"That kiss is quite different from last night," she said as she traced my lower lip with her thumb. She was pensive but she looked happy.

"It is," I shortly replied. I was still dazed.

"It's more gentle and more passionate," Tiffany held my cheek and caressed it. "I love you Kim Taeyeon," she genuinely said.

My eyes widened when I heard that. I didn't know how to react but I was happy to hear those precious three words from her.

"You don't have to say it back, I can wait Taeyeon. I just thought it's the right time to say it. I really feel it, I love you," she said then she gave her sweetest eyesmile. "I'm so happy..."  She buried her face in my neck.

"I love you too Tiffany," I cooed.

When she heard it, she quickly pulled back to face me.

I smiled "I love you too," I repeated. "I'm happy just being with you. Stay with me forever."

Tiffany smiled but her tears dropped "I'm so happy Tae... and yes I will stay with you forever."

"Don't cry Fany," I said as I wiped her tears.

"I'm just happy..." Tiffany stared at my lips and slowly leaning forward to me.

We were about to kiss again but someone obnoxiously knocked on the door. We both flinched as Tiffany moved away then we sat up.

"Kim Taeyeon! It's me! Open the door!" That voice! It was my sister.

"Who's that?" Tiffany asked. 

"My sister..."

Oh geez.


Me and Tiffany was sitting on the bed next to each other while my sister was sitting in a chair and she was in front of us. It was like we were teenagers who was caught doing something bad and we were just waiting to be scolded.

"Taeyeon... I already fixed everything and you will move now to your new apartment," my sister sudden announced.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"You heard me, you will move now. I brought my people here to pack and move your things. It'll be done in no time. We can go to the near coffee shop and chat while waiting. I also want to know more about your little girlfriend here," my sister sternly said as she glanced at Tiffany.

"Why so sudden eonni? I can't just move and leave Tiffany here," I said as I held Tiffany's hand.

"Let me remind you Taeyeon, you're not married yet so don't act like you were," she firmly said as she crossed her legs.

"I know that but it's so sudden..."

"But you asked me to find you a new apartment and I did."

I sighed "I can't leave all of a sudden."

"You're still stubborn huh... Fine. You can take her with you," she simply said as she inspected her fingernails.

"Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"I know that this will happen so I bought an apartment with two bedrooms. It's well furnished so you don't have to worry. I provided all the things that you will need," she explained as she looked at me without batting an eyelash.

My face brightened and I grinned widely "Thank you so much eonni!" I hugged her tightly.

"You're such a baby... tss..."

"You know me very well," I said happily.

"Of course, you're my sister. And speaking of baby, I don't want an unexpected niece or nephew from you two. That's why I bought an apartment with two bedrooms. Control your hormones," she bluntly said.

Tiffany blushed hard as I glanced at her "Ya... eonni..."

"It's true Taeyeon. Now, let's go to the cafe and properly introduce your girlfriend. My people will start packing then they will bring your belongings to the new apartment," my sister stood up and walked to the door.

"I know what you were doing guys early this morning. If I didn't come here early, probably the unexpected baby would be made," she said as she opened the door.

I felt the heat in my face "Ya... Eonni!!!" I whined.

She really likes to embarrass me. Gosh...

I'm not even in the male body. How could we make a baby?


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