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Me and Tiffany went to school together.

As we walked in the hallway, I noticed most of the guys were gawking at Tiffany and I didn't like it. I wanted to punch them on the their faces. 

But I can't blame them, Tiffany is a real catch. She's really beautiful inside and out. She's also smart, independent woman. For me, she's special.

In the locker room, I took some books then I saw a bunch of letters. I smiled as I took them.

I appreciate when someone give me a letter, it makes me think that I'm doing fine and I'm on the right track. I spend most of my time and efforts just to learn more because I want to improve myself and be the best version of myself so when the love of my life comes, it'll be enough and I can say that I deserve that person.

But some people confessed their love for me in writing letters, it's kinda awkward because I don't know them personally. If they really love me, they should tell it to me directly no matter how hard it is for them. That's love, you shouldn't be afraid to show it. You should overcome your weaknesses to fight for the one you love. Well, that's just my perspective. 

Whenever I receive  a love letter, I read and keep it but I don't reply because I don't know them. How should I respond? Reject them? That's harsh. So I just keep it that way. I read it because I appreciate the effort.

Many people now are techy, instead of using pen and paper, they rely on their gadgets. Generally, they want automatic like easy life, instead of doing it manually. I'm not against technology, it's awesome but I don't want to rely on it like my life will depend on it.

Anyway, for me letters will never be outdated. I admire people who still write letters. It's precious and I know, it comes from the heart because when you write, you feel it like your hand is connected to your heart.

Someone burst my bubble and brought me back to the reality as she asked "What are those Taeyeon?"

I turned and saw Tiffany "Oh... these are letters."

"Really? From who? That's a lot." She asked curiously.

"I don't know," I shrugged as I closed my locker.

Her eyebrows raised "Oh... love letters..."

"Maybe, I will read it later," I said as I put the letters in my bag.

"Cool... it's like, you're giving them chance huh?" She concluded. Is she implying something?

I was about to reply but she started walking away from me. So, what's that? Why she's being mean?  Did she just ignore me?

"What's her problem?" I mumbled as I followed her.

Today, we have two same classes and I'm happy about it because I want to get close to her.

We walked side by side, going to our first class. And geez, everyone was greeting me. Not a bad thing but I lost the chance to start a conversation with Tiffany because I had to greet them back.

Yeah, I'm really a nice person. Conceited much? Nah. I just don't want to be rude. And that's not being plastic, that's far from being well mannered. I avoid people that I don't like because I don't want to stress myself.

In our classroom, me and Tiffany were sitting next to each other. It was my cue to get closer to her. I gathered all my strength to start a conversation with her.

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