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Tiffany's POV

The next morning at school. I went straight to the faculty building and looked for Seolhyun. I wanted to confront her about Taeyeon.

I feel that she likes Taehyung and I can't just leave it that way. I'm the girlfriend here, she should know where to place herself. I know it's kinda selfish thing but I don't want her filthy paws to touch what's mine.

When I found Seolhyun I asked her if I could talk to her and she was okay with it. We went to the rooftop of the faculty building.

"The morning is so beautiful right?" Seolhyun breathed the air happily then she looked at me. "So what do you want to tell me Tiffany?" She asked nicely.

I don't know if she's being plastic or just being nice. I can't tell it. She's kinda hard to read. I should be careful around her.

"It's about Taehyung..." I started.

"Oh what about baby boy?" She asked as she tilted her head.

Baby boy? Ugh. It's her pet name to Tae. How could she say it in front of me? What a thick face she has.

"Tiffany..." She frowned. "Is he okay?"

"Umm... yes he's fine." I didn't know how to tell it. It was harder than I thought.

She sighed in relief "So what about him?"

I gathered all my strength then took a deep breath "Do you like him?"

Seolhyun only stared at me intently.

"What? Answer me..." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Are you serious?" She strictly asked.

I gulped silently. She was a bit intimidating but I had to be strong. I have to protect what's mine.

"Yes. Do you like my boyfriend?" I emphasized the last word to remind her.

Then suddenly, she laughed out loud like it was a hilarious joke.

I frowned deeply "Don't laugh! I'm serious," I said offended. So this is what it feels to be laughed at? Well, it's completely different situation. But I got pissed at her response "Why are you even laughing? It's not funny!"

"It is funny!" She said as her laugh died down.

"It's not!" I raised my voice. She didn't take it seriously.

"You're serious..." I didn't know she was that slow to realize. "Hmm... I don't like him." She finally answered. It seemed genuine.

"But you care too much for him, it's not just being a friend," I insisted.

"Maybe I care for him way much more than a friend because I treat him like a younger brother. Nothing more and if you don't believe me, I won't force you. But it's the truth, I only see him as a younger brother," she reiterated.

"Really?" I look like an idiot now.

"Really. You don't have to worry Tiffany, he's all yours," Seolhyun walked closer to me and held my shoulder. "Taehyung loves you, I can see it. He's willing to do everything for you and you give him happiness. You have a special connection to each other, I won't interfere. I won't break anything like that. I'm not that kind of person  I never meddle in other people's love life. "

Maybe I was wrong about this. I mentally facepalmed, I was embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Seolhyun..." I immediately apologized ashamed.

She giggled "It's okay, don't worry." She slightly squeezed my shoulder then let go of it "I'm really happy for you guys."

"Thank you Seolhyun," I smiled. I felt much better after the confrontation. It was a good thing.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way Tiffany. Sometimes, I'm oblivious about how I act so people misinterpret it." She apologetically said.

I waved both of my hands "No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. If people misinterpret you the way you act, it's their problem because they judge you. Most of people judge others, it became their nature." I sadly said and lowered my head. "I'm one of them but from now on, I'll try my best to change it."

Seolhyun smiled "That's good. You know your mistake, you're not ashamed to admit it and you're even willing to change it. I think you're amazing Tiffany."

"Thank you..."

"By the way... I already like someone..." She said as she smiled. Her smile was different, it was sweeter and happier.

My face brightened hearing that "Really? Who's the lucky guy? Can we meet him?"

I feel happy for her. She deserves it.

She sighed sadly "It's complicated Tiffany."

I frowned "Why's that?"

"Don't be surprised Tiffany but I'm not attracted to Taehyung because I'm not into guys." She shyly admitted.

"What?" I gaped at her. Not into guys?

"I'm into girls Tiffany," she clarified. "And I already found someone who makes my heart beats crazily. I found her here and you know her," she happily said.

I had a bad feeling about it.

No way. It can't be...

"I don't like Taehyung but I like his sister..."

No shit.

"I like Kim Taeyeon," she bashfully said.

Oh fuck.


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