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Taeyeon's POV

I almost spat out my drink but I tried hard to gulp it down. I was shocked when Tiffany told me that Seolhyun likes me.

I never thought that she's into girls because she has no sign of being gay.

"Are you sure?" I asked in disbelief.

We were eating lunch at campus open ground under a big tree.

Tiffany looked worried and serious at the same time "Yes. She told me about it. Actually..." She took in a deep breathe. "I confronted her about you. I mean about Taehyung."

My forehead creased "You confronted her?"

Tiffany nodded "I asked her if she likes you, your boy version Taehyung and she answered me no because she's into girls." She explained kinda guilty about it.

So she didn't believe me when I told her that Seolhyun only likes me as younger brother.

"Then she told me that she already found someone that makes her heart beats crazily and... it's you. She doesn't like Taehyung but she likes Taeyeon," she clarified.

I was speechless. Seolhyun likes me? I can't even imagine it. Damn it.

"I'm sorry Tae, I know I shouldn't have done that but I have this intuition that she has feelings for you and it turned out that somehow, I'm right about it. She likes the real you Tae," Tiffany said as she stared at me.

"I don't know. Maybe her feelings for me isn't that strong yet so before it gets stronger, I will turn her down. I don't want to hurt her but we can't avoid it." I said as I held Tiffany's hand.

"Are you sure about it? What if she still insists?" Tiffany asked worried.

I sighed heavily "Yes and if that happens, I will tell her the truth. It's the only way, she will understand our situation."

"You will tell her the truth?"

I nodded "Yes she's my friend. I trust Seolhyun and I think it's the right time to explain my situation to her and also to Lisa." I made up my mind. They are my friends and they are important to me. I believe that they deserve to know it.

"Okay... if that's your decision, I'm just here to support you." Tiffany said as she squeezed my hand.

"Thank you Fany ah..."

I still can't believe that Tiffany is my girlfriend now. I feel so lucky to have her and I'll do my best to take care of her.

"Eonni!!" We heard Lisa called.

In reflex, me and Tiffany both let go of each other's hand. We turned to Lisa and Seolhyun was with her.

"Annyeong!" Lisa greeted with a bright smile. It lifted my mood somehow. She was cute.

"Hi!" I greeted back.

Seolhyun shyly smiled at me. That was uncomfortable.

"Can we join you?" Lisa asked. She was holding a basket.

"Sure," Tiffany answered as she smiled.

Lisa sat next to Tiffany while Seolhyun sat next to me.

"I brought some foods for lunch. I cooked and we can share it." Lisa offered generously as she opened the basket.

"Thanks Lisa," I said. I could feel that Seolhyun was kept glancing at me but I just pretended that I didn't notice it.

It's kinda awkward for me thinking that she likes me because I only see her as a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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