Chapter 4

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time for school, it was weird not being woken up by mr. duckity duck, not to have seok jin there telling me how his day went and rattling about his dad jokes, not to have an annoyed taehyung telling me what to do, not to have my parents with me who always take care of me and motivate me when needed.

instead, i woke up with no one and nothing beside me, except for a pillow. i sat up, running my hand through my long black hair. when i got home i finally realised why that hoseok guy's face was red.

it was because of my beautiful face.

but in 'my angel form' i was more innocent looking somehow. anyway, today would be my first day at an all angel's school.

i got ready and facetimed my family. a hologram appeared, i saw seok jin. ''hey sis! wow you look different,''

''yeah, i know right.'' i grinned, seok jin turned his phone around, showing taehyung who was eating his breakfast. taehyung glanced at me and put down his spoon. ''seems like you already know how to properly use the necklace,''

''how do you know?'' i asked.


''by the way hayoungie! something very funny happened yesterday when i went home!'' seok jin yelled.

''oh what happened?'' i asked, curious. ''okay so, i was flying home because i didn't felt like walking home. and then a cop pulled me over for speeding. he said. 'papers' so i answered 'scissors' and flew away like a boss,''

''aw...i'm so sad that i missed that, i would've definitely filmed it.'' i pouted. seok jin grinned and nodded proudly. taehyung in the background was still eating, but he heard everything and shook his head in disapproval.

''and the cops won't do anything, cops are nothing in hell. they only give warnings, so boring,'' seok jin rolled his eyes.

''yeah we can do whatever we want there, i don't know if i can say the same about heaven but i won't take that risk,'' i said.

''obviously, safety and health first, other things second,'' seok jin told me with a stern expression.

''hayoung sweetheart, did you listen to all the things i said to you yesterday?'' mother asked, appearing out of nowhere. ''yes i did, mother,''

''good, be careful okay? and don't be late for school!''

''yes i know, mother,''

''and always remember-'' my father began, ''there will always be competition no matter where, but remember that you are from the kim family and the kims never lose,'' i, seok jin and taehyung said in unison.


i cooked breakfast for myself and began to eat. ''how is yoongles doing?'' i asked, seok jin shrugged. ''i think he misses you, he has to sit next to some retarded guy. and i'm afraid that one day yoongi will kill him but yeah, other than that, he's good,''

''alright, i'm going to school, so i'll talk to you all after school. bye!'' i waved, ''bye!'' they waved back.

i grabbed my backpack and went outside, the air in heaven is so fresh.

once i arrived at school, i already knew that i wasn't going to like it. as soon i saw 'the rules' board, i knew that this was going to be shitty.

i went to the reception and tapped on the table to get the woman's attention. ''yeah hey, so can i have my schedule? my name is kim valerie,'' i said, the woman raised an eyebrow, probably because of my behaviour towards her but she gave me the schedule anyway. ''here you go,''

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