Chapter 8

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as soon as i went to school i saw jungkook and jimin fighting with each other. ''hey guys,'' i greeted.

''oh hey valerie!'' jungkook greeted me with a smile. ''hey what's up?'' jimin also greeted.

after that they continued arguing.

i felt someone's presence near me and was about to kick that person, fortunately i didn't or else i would've kicked hoseok.

''um what's going on here?'' hoseok whispered. ''i don't know, they were already arguing before i was here,''

''weird, but one of them must have done something stupid. or both of them,'' hoseok shrugged, i let out a chuckle. ''sounds logical,''

''okay guys what the heck happened?'' namjoon questioned, separating the two boys who were now sulking.

''it's all jungkook's fault for being so mean! he told me 'close your eyes bro' so i replied with 'okay bro' and i closed my eyes and then he said 'what do you see bro?' i said 'nothing bro' and did you know what he answered?!''

''i said, 'that's what you are bro''

''yes! and that's so mean,''

''it was just a joke but then you started yelling at me,'' jungkook murmured.

''you were right, it's indeed about something stupid,'' i whispered to hoseok, hoseok snapped his fingers. ''i'm always right, val,''

''let's go to chemistry class before we're late,'' i suggested. ''sounds good,'' hoseok responded, hooking his arm with mine.

jungkook stopped yelling at jimin, his eyes locked at my and hoseok's arms. ''hey hey what's going on there?''

hoseok rolled his eyes, ''ignore that boy,''

''yeah,'' i grinned, and we proceed walking like that, towards the classroom.

''don't ignore me!''

jungkook ran towards us, the teacher just arrived and glared at jungkook. ''mr. jeon, should i remind you that it's almost 7 in the morning and you're here screaming your lungs out,''

jungkook bowed, ''i'm sincerely sorry!'' he yelled before sitting down, the teacher covered her ears.

we all sat down and paid attention to class. ''okay, i have the results of the reports of the experiment we did two days ago i think? okay so i'll be announcing it,'' she said.

''park jimin and (the name of a random dude because i can't think of any names), 70/100,''

jimin sighed in relief and high fived hoseok, who was next to him.

''jung hoseok and kim namjoon, 95/100, excellent job,'' she complimented.

''ey!'' hoseok cheered, giving namjoon a box. ''you're so amazing man! i appreciate you! my bro!''

namjoon just gave him an awkward smile. ''please sit down, you're kind of making everyone look at you,''

hoseok sat back down, his smile never leaving his face.

'' valerie and jeon jungkook, 100/100. there was nothing that was not good about this report, brilliant. absolutely perfect,''

jungkook's jaw dropped as he looked at me. ''she...she...the teacher never said that before holy shit...'' he muttered, i smiled and looked at him. ''i'm kim valerie afterall, it's in my blood,''

''park aurora and (random person), 97/100, also a very good job,''

aurora was sulking in the front, she turned her head towards me, we made eye contact. i raised my eyebrows as she just had an ugly scowl on her face, she actually was sent home because of the incident that happened a few days ago. but somehow she's still here.

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