Chapter 13

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a/n: above are the choices of which dress the government chose for hayoung/valerie to wear. you can choose yourself which one you want.


7:50 pm

make up, done. hair, done. purse, done. ready to go!

the purse that i brought with me is really tiny, but thanks to mother's folding technique, i managed to stuff it all in the little bag. she taught me yesterday how to fold it, before they hang up they, of course said the infamous quote: ''there will always be competition no matter where, but remember that you are from the kim family and the kims never lose,''

i adjusted my necklace a bit so the pendant would be in the center.

i should hurry up, i got 10 minutes left. i quickly went towards the mirror and checked myself, i curled my long black hair today. i was also wearing heels which was not a good idea but i thought it would be a good weapon in case someone saw me.

good, i looked beautiful, i smiled to myself and nodded. "let's do this,"

i walked towards the place where the gala would be held hurriedly. 5 minutes left and they would close the doors.

1 minute...

50 seconds...

10 seconds...

1 second...

they were about to close the doors but i quickly ran inside, "sorry," i apologised, bowing to the guards.

"you little prick-" he stopped cursing when he saw me, his cheeks slightly pink. ","

i nodded and went towards the food section, i predicted that one of the boys would be there, and i was right.

"hoseok!" i yelled, hoseok turned around, his hair was parted, showing off his forehead. the suit that he was wearing looked expensive and it seemed like he also wore makeup. 

"damn you look good," i complimented. "says you, you look gorgeous,"

a/n: hobi's look: mama 2019, when they arrived

"thanks," i grinned, "where are the others?" i asked. "jungkook and jimin are eating there," he pointed at the two who were eating as if they've never eaten before. "namjoon is taking a dump,"

"ah okay,"

i looked at jungkook and jimin, jimin really dyed his hair silver, and indeed, it looked amazing on him. he was wearing a red suit, it matched him really well.

a/n: jimin's look: mama 2018 (i know it's purple but bear with me and imagine it as red thanks)

when my eyes landed on jungkook, it was as if he took my breath away with his looks, his hair was parted in the middle, his dark brown hair was shiny and not to mention how good he looked in the black suit he was wearing.

a/n: jungkook's look: jungkook bts suit classy

"you pigs, come here," hoseok mentioned, they stood up and wiped their mouths with a napkin. once they noticed me their eyes widened.

"holy mother of heaven, valerie?!" jimin exclaimed, he eyed me up and down, not believing his eyes. "you're naturally really pretty as well but this...this hits different ma'am,"

jungkook stood there frozen, eyes widened, just staring. he looked away once we had eye contact. "y...yeah you look pretty,"

"thanks," i smiled.

soon, namjoon finally came out of the bathroom, his hair was combed back, wearing a red suit. he was also wearing glasses, he looked like a rich ceo.

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