Remembrance Ghazal (a Ghazal)

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Sometimes, things hit you so hard you thought you fell;

It almost feels like you've been put under a spell.

Some field trips can be boring, a tiny private museum,

And if it weren't for lunch, the bore would make you yell.

You wander around and look at portraits and spoons,

And your mind wanders, checking into its own hotel.

Then you get back and plan to finish your day;

Never would you have thought you'd go through Hell.

A meeting was called, you all guessed you were in trouble,

But one offhandedly guessed the truth, though he couldn't sell.

She began to tell us a story that we all knew

Of a man who came back after the ringing of his knell.

When she couldn't speak anymore, it was like someone had hit a bell.

Sometimes, a tale is all you can tell.

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