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Kristoff's POV
After a long day of searching and searching, I found everything I needed for the proposal, now I only had to prepare it, and hopefully, she'll say yes. I came back to Arendelle and left the things at the back of the sled, underneath some blankets and my lute, that way Anna wouldn't find it. As I walked towards the castle's entrance, I found Anna walking around with Olaf, which seemed kind of odd, even though we're almost in February, it's still winter, and it was freezing cold outside. I walked in their way, Anna looked at me and ran to hug me
—Kristoff! You're back!- she smiled
—I am!- I said- Hey, uh... what are you doing out here? Aren't you cold?
—Actually, yes, I'm dying and I feel like I'm getting hypothermia in any minute
—Then why don't you get in?
—There's a meeting with some dignitaries and Elsa asked me to wait outside, since it was a very important meeting and, well... you know, I'm not very... princess-like...
—Oh... well, we could...
Just then, Elsa came outside
—Hey Elsa! Is... is the meeting over?- Anna said trembling from the cold
—Um... no, but I realized I couldn't leave you out here, I mean, Olaf's more than fine, but you'll get frostbite- then she looked at me- Kristoff, you're back. Did your... harvesting trip went alright?
—Yes- I smiled

Anna's POV
Okay... that was kind of weird. I mean, Elsa never asks anything about Kristoff's trips, and they both have been acting kinda strange lately, I guess I'll just let it go for now...
—Come back in guys...- Elsa's voice got me back from being immersed in my own thoughts.
We got back in the castle and Elsa led us to the library
—Okay, please stay here until I come back, I really need to get back to the meeting, so, please be quiet, don't break anything, and keep an eye on Olaf
—Okay- I said smiling as she walked out of the room

Elsa's POV
The meeting went on pretty well and after I came back from getting Anna and Kristoff into the castle it continued very smoothly, so we finished shortly after. Most of the dignitaries went back to their kingdoms that same evening, some of them decided to get to know Arendelle and then left to their kingdoms. Once again, it was only Aleksander and me left. I liked being around him, but I also hated the fact that we weren't even sure of what we... were. I mean, was I his friend? His girlfriend? His lover? I didn't even know, we hadn't made anything official. So when we were left alone, I decided to talk about it
—Hey, um... can I... ask you something?- I said nervously
—Sure, what is it?- He said smiling
—Uh... well, you know, last time we saw each other we... said things and... did things and I was just wondering if we are... I mean if I am...
He interrupted me by kissing me. At first it took me by surprise, but then, of course, I kissed him back. When we pulled away I looked into his eyes
—So...- I said, blushing
—Elsa- he said- would you like to... I don't know, uh... date... or some... thing?
—Yes, I would love to- I said smiling and hugging him
We met in a kiss again, this time was a passionate one
—I'd love to stay but... I have to get back to Stavanger before midnight- he said as we pulled out
—I get it... it's almost sunset, you better go- I said
—I'll be back... soon- he smiled
—I love you- I said
—I love you too
And with that, he took his suitcase, and left

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