The Fancy Party

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Elsa's POV
Since Kristoff had come back, everything came back to normal. At first I was happy for Anna and Kristoff, but I quickly remembered why I wasn't usually that excited about their relationship. I kind of started missing that days he was gone and I didn't have to walk into their "moments" every two seconds. And this moments had been happening even more often since they had forgiven each other. Anyways, tonight we were having a really "fancy party". It was similar to the ball where Hans apologized, but this time, first of all, Hans wasn't invited, and secondly, it was an "only royalty" party, which meant that this time, commoners from Arendelle weren't invited either. Only kings, queens, princes and princesses. And, of course, Kristoff, who wasn't actually royalty until he married Anna, but if he wasn't invited, Anna would get mad, so he was invited too.
The ball room was ready and so were we, we were all dressed up on elegant dresses and Anna had gotten Kristoff to put a tuxedo on. We always struggled at balls since Kristoff wasn't comfortable with the whole "fancy dressing" thing, and the only one who could get him to use something like that was Anna. I mean, Kristoff would jump off a cliff if Anna told him to, so, at least for her, it wasn't that big of a deal. The ball was about to start and the cooks started bringing the food and the drinks up. We usually didn't have that kind of drinks at balls, but as I said, this was a fancy one, so we had champagne and wine. I was just about to go and thank the cooks for the food, when I spotted Anna trying to get a cup of wine
She looked at me and quickly left the cup where it was
—Yes Elsa?- she said as if nothing had happened
—You know you can't have that! You're under age!
—Oh Elsa! Come on! What's the worst thing that could possibly happen?
—There are lots of bad things that could possibly happen, but I guess you'll have to find out by yourself when you're old enough to try this stuff
—Just a sip?!- Anna kept insisting like a kid
—No, Anna. Final statement!- I said
Just then, Kristoff entered the room
—Oh Kristoff! Don't you look handsome!- Anna said as she approached him
—And you look gorgeous! As usual- Kristoff answered as he leaned to kiss Anna
—Okay I'm out!- I yelled walking out of the ball room. And this kind of things were the ones that made me miss the days Kristoff left

Anna's POV
The ball started and I had to greet all the royals, which was a part I didn't enjoy as much. Everyone was so formal and I had to be to. Why couldn't we just say hi to each other? It was a bit annoying but it didn't take that long. I was planning on spending some time with Elsa, as she usually stays in one place the whole party, but she told me that she had some important things to discuss with the queen of... Saken... something, just the weirdest name I had ever heard from a kingdom. Anyways, when I had greeted everyone I had to, I started looking for Kristoff. I found him sitting on a bench outside, he wasn't really into socializing, specially now that they were only royals, so I guess he was just waiting for me.
—Hey there! Are you done greeting people?
—Yes! I finally am! Wanna go inside?
He hold my hand and we walked into the ball room. We danced for a while and then we decided to go out to the balcony just to have some fresh air.
—Hey...- he said- I had an idea, but... I'm not sure if it's going to turn out good
—What is it?- I asked
—Well... Wait here, I'll be right back-he said
Kristoff went back into the castle and I stayed at the balcony. It took him a few minutes, but when he finally came back, he had two glasses in his hands
—What have you got there?
—Okay, don't freak out, I saw you a few hours ago, when you wanted to try the wine, so I brought some, but only one cup Anna, not more
—Wow! Really? Didn't anyone told you anything?
—Well, I'm 21 so I'm allowed to have this
—Oh, yeah, I forgot. So... can I have one?
—Yes, but please, just take a sip first and tell me if you like it or not
Kristoff handed me the glass and i took a sip out of it. It was actually good!
—Oh wow! It tastes great!
—Yeah, I'm not a big fan of wine, but this one's a bit better than usual
—It tastes like soda!- I said
—No it doesn't!- Kristoff laughed
I finished the cup and didn't feel anything different. I know Kristoff said one cup, but somehow that one cup, turned into lots of cups, and before we knew it, we were drunk as hell. We were just walking around the castle, luckily, we didn't enter the ball room again, but we stayed mainly on the second floor of the castle. I was giggling non-stop, and it felt so weird! Kristoff was also laughing and talking nonsense.
We walked around for hours, at one point we went to my room and entered my bathroom, we started playing with the soap, making bubbles.
—Woah...-I said, staring at the bubbles like a little kid- what the fu..
—Shhhh- Kristoff placed his finger on my lips- Elsa could hear you!- he said laughing
—Of course not silly! She's downstairs... or upstairs?- I said confused
Somehow we lost the soap, so we went to Elsa's bathroom and did the same. We also kind of started jumping in Elsa's bed. I hadn't done that in a while and I had forgotten how much fun it was.
We started a pillow fight and basically messed up the whole room.
Then we got to the living room and Kristoff laid down on the couch as I laid down on top of him. We started making out and then, for some reason, I bursted into laughter
—What's so funny?- Kristoff asked
—Elsa is going to kill us!- I giggled
We looked at each other and started laughing really hard
—Yes she is!- Kristoff said
We laughed until we fell asleep

Elsa's POV
The ball was over and everyone started leaving. I hadn't seen Anna or Kristoff in a while so I decided to look for them. Last time they snuck out of a ball, it didn't end so well, so I was starting to get worried. I looked in the gardens, but they weren't there. I looked in the kitchen, they weren't there. Then I got to Anna's room, and got kind of scared to open the door and find something like last time. But I opened it anyways. Fortunately, I saw nothing like that, but Anna's room did seem a bit messed up. Well, Anna's room was always a mess, but it was a little messier than usual, I didn't care anyways. Then I peeked into my room, and it was also messed up. My room wasn't messed up. Like, never. Something had been going on here. I searched all over the castle, and then, I got to the living room on the third floor and I found them sleeping. I was so relieved that I had found them and they had clothes on. I called their names so that they would wake up, but they didn't. Then I got closer to them and they woke up, but there was something weird. I could smell alcohol.
Oh my god! Are you guys drunk?
Of course not Sven! I mean, Elsa!- Anna said, when she talked, I could tell she was definitely drunk. I stared at them and they started laughing, then Anna said:
—Well... yes... No!... mayyyybe?
—This can't be happening- I muttered to myself as I face palmed- You need to get to bed, we'll talk tomorrow.- I said now out loud so that they could hear it.
I took them to their rooms and, gosh! On the way there, they were so annoying, specially Anna, I mean, she was hyperactive on a daily basis, now imagine her drunk. I had never seen her like that before, I mean, as far as I know she had never drunk anything so she had never been drunk before.
—What's this?- Anna asked as she picked up my crown
—Anna, give me that!- I said, afraid that she would lose it or damage it- please don't touch anything
—Why?- she said annoyed- Is it because I'm drenk... drunk? It's just... what's it called again?
—Alcohol!- Kristoff said laughing
—Yes! That!... It's just alhocol Elsa!
I just rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them as much as possible, but it got harder as Anna started cursing.
—Oh f*ck!- She said as she almost fell down
—Anna!-I shouted looking at her
—I told you she could hear you!- Kristoff told Anna while smiling
—Oh shut up! That's just... that's just bullsh*t- Anna answered back. This went on for a few more minutes
I finally got both of them to their rooms and they fell asleep. Tomorrow they would be so dead. And I'm not only talking about the hangover (cause that was going to be enough punishment for Anna not to drink again) but I'm also talking about what I'll do to them when they get back to normal.

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