Chapter 22: Trust

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"Hailey? Why is she meeting with Hank?" Confusion was written all over Peter's face, but Teresa just shake her head, although she had a few ideas in her mind. However, knowing that Peter would most likely be going back to the lab to see Hank and Hailey for himself, Teresa decided to tell him one of them. "Perhaps she needed to talk to someone about her worries. Her father hasn't made any contact with her within the past few days,"

"Hailey told you that? I thought she was really secretive like you," Peter furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hailey didn't told me that. Sofia overheard that information from one of Elizabeth's other friends. They said that Elizabeth sounded pretty worried when she was telling them that," Peter let out an 'oh' to show that he understood. "How is Sofia anyways? How is she doing in the lockdown? Kids around her age aren't allowed to go out their rooms yet. It must be driving her crazy."

"She's fine with it so far, especially since she has Lily as company, but she's really curious on what's going on and keeps on asking me to tell her about everything,"

"And have you?" Peter asked.

Teresa snorted. "I would have to be insane if i did, especially with everything that has been going on," she narrowed her eyes at Peter, "and don't even think of telling her any of this too."

"I feel so offended that you think that i would do something like that," Peter exclaimed, while wearing an offended look on his face, but Teresa rolled her eyes. She knows her brother very well and knew that he wasn't actually offended and was just faking it.

"Just don't say anything to Sofia and Lily. I don't want any of the kids to freak out or there will be chaos," Teresa warned him. "But if you do try to tell any of them, even by accident, i'll make sure you'll end up in the clinic again."

Peter's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by a voice behind them, "No one will be putting anyone into the clinic."

Peter smirked at Devin's words, but faltered at his next ones, "However, if it's really necessary, you can smack him with a folded newspaper."

Peter shook his head quickly as a smirk formed on Teresa's face. "You both are so mean!" He complained, leaning his body backwards slightly.

Teresa giggled quietly at his reaction, but both Peter and Devin still heard it. Peter's eyes widened at the sound and he pointed his finger at his sister. "Who are you and what have you done to Teresa?" He exclaimed, which caused Devin to look at him with a confused expression.

Teresa rolled her eyes at Peter's actions. "I have never giggled before- well, at least not in front of him anyways," Teresa explained to Devin after noticing how confused he looked, tilting her head to the dramatic brown-eyed mutant.

Devin let out an 'oh' of understanding, before they arrived at their destination. They entered the living room and saw a blonde haired mutant with large wings lying on the couch and looking quite uncomfortable doing that. "Why is Peter gaping at Teresa? Did you do something to make him really shocked?" Warren questioned after he noticed all of their presence, including Devin whom he was glaring at.

"Teresa giggled for the first time ever and i was the one to make her do that!" Peter exclaimed happily, pointing his finger at Teresa again.

She scowled and slapped his finger away. "Pointing your finger at someone is extremely rude, you know," she snapped, pointing her finger at Peter's face.

"And what was that?!" Peter pointed his finger at Teresa again, only for it to get slapped away again. "Ouch!"

"People are only allowed to point their fingers at someone when they are angry or annoyed at that person, but you did it for no reason, which makes it rude," Teresa replied back.

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