Chapter 15

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"There are storms everywhere," Ororo said softly, her eyes fixed onto the sky, rumbling every few seconds and threatening to release it's fury with lightning and thunder.

Jean barely glanced at the sky before she looked down and nodded. "I know,"

It had been a day since Teresa had gotten that.... shocking photograph from the hooded man that had got her coped up all alone in her room. Erik and Warren respected her wishes to be alone because they both knew it was a lot for her to take in, but at the same time, Erik was also hungry for answers. He tried looking for records of a woman that looked like Teresa or a familiar yet forgotten name with Hank, but he found none. However, while most of the students and teachers are too busy with themselves, Jean and Ororo noticed that ever since Teresa fled to her room, the weather had become stormy and gloomy, mirroring her current mood and situation.

"You have to go to her sooner or later," Ororo looked into Jean's eyes, blue eyes momentarily met brown eyes, before Jean looked away and nodded.

"I know," she mumbled again. "I just don't know how to get her to open up. We both know how stubborn she is."

With knowledge of the stubborness running deep inside the Lensherr family tree, Ororo can't help but nodded in agreement. Although Teresa was quite wise for her age and can be an understanding person at times, Jean knew that it would take some time for the young mutant to break because of how long she had kept the pain of her past to herself, which sounded a lot like Jean herself with the other students before the events of Apocalypse. The mutant really wanted to help Teresa as much as she can but she feared that she would make the situation worse than it already is. However, after visiting a pretty delusional yet smart Peter, who encouraged her to go after her, she felt confidence rushing up her body and was prepared to have a personal conversation with Teresa although she was still very much nervous.

Glancing at Ororo, Jean saw the small smile on her face as a sign of encouragement for her. Jean sighed and closed her eyes, knocking onto the door.

A few moments had passed, and the door was finally opened, much to Ororo's and Jean's suprise.

They had thought that Teresa might not have opened the door and they were correct because Teresa was not in front of the door. Instead, the girls found themselves staring at an empty space. A growl distracted them from their confused thoughts and turned down to see Lion staring at them. He growled again before he nudged Ororo's shoes and ran away from them. Jean and Ororo turned to each other before they shrugged. "I guess I'd have to chase after that furry little creature while you have a talk with Teresa. I don't think she would want her companion too far from the school."

"Hey, good luck," Ororo patted Jean's back a few times before she disappeared from the halls, chasing after the fast runner.

Jean turned around and redirected her attention onto the slightly closed door. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before she opened them again and smiled, seeing the door now wide open. Since she was lacking of training with the team due to lockdown, the gorgeous ginger promised to herself to use her powers on the little things in an attempt to fill that lack of training. However, even with the door wide open, Jean knocked on the door and came into the room. "Teresa?" She spoke out, closing the door behind her.

Jean's attention went all over the room but stopped when she saw what she wanted to see. Teresa was sitting beside the large window near her bed, leaning on it, as she boredly stared at an empty space in front of her. Jean had a feeling that Teresa had just woken up from a nap due to her messy dark hair. However, with her pale face fresh as the green grass on a sunny weather, blue eyes that held mystery as a secret treasure in a mountain, it was no secret that Jean thinks Teresa is beautiful. But that was not what had stunned Jean. No, what had stunned her was Teresa's dark brown hair. It was laying aimlessly and freely on her shoulders. It may not have been such a big deal if Jean had not always seen Teresa's hair pulled into a ponytail and seen other unique hair styles. Of course, that wasn't the case and it became another sign of change within Teresa- but this one might just be a good change.

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