Chapter Two: Mi Amor

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Once I get back to camp, I decide to journal for a few minutes. I open the book, that has Chapter One already written. I turn to a new page and write Chapter Two, then details of Horseshoe Overlook.

Finally, I recount what I can remember of today. By the time I've done this, it's almost dark. I hear hooves and look up. Arthur's back. Dutch sees him and stands up. I'm not sure exactly what he says, because I've looked down at my journal and I'm reading what I've written when he says it, but from the resounding cheers, I think Dutch might have announced a party. I put my journal away and go to grab a drink.


Everyone's grouped themselves together; some people around a campfire, some around tables, some just standing. Molly and Dutch are dancing, and so are Mary-Beth and Arthur, except Mary-Beth and Arthur aren't so close and whispering and giggling. The sight of people being happy brings a smile to my face. This gang is literally just a family that rob together, and I love it. One huge, dysfunctional family. "A dance, hermosa?" Javier asks from behind me. He doesn't even wait for me to say yes before he spins me around. "Wha...?" I laugh.

"I'm surprised nobody else asked you," he says.

"That might me because I can't dance," I reply with a grin. Am I drunk, or is that just him having an effect on me? I prefer not to think about my feelings because that just complicates things. I mean, we literally live together. How awkward would it get if any feelings, if they exist, which they don't, weren't reciprocated? I push the thoughts out of my head and just dance, to the best of my ability. We dance in near silence, apart from my apologies when I step on his toes. The song ends and I go to get another drink. I've only had about two. There's no way I can be drunk, so why am I feeling on top of the world? I get one drink, then decide on two, and to take one to Javier as an apology for stepping on his feet so many times. I don't even have to find him; he finds me. I pass him the drink. "Because I stepped on you so many times," I say, for an explanation.

"It's all worth it, you're fine," he smiles and takes the beer.

We stand together, sipping our beers, listening to drunken singing. We finish them and get rid of the bottles. Suddenly a memory resurfaces. "Javier," I say, and he turns around to face me. I try not to think about how close our faces are.

"Yeah?" he says softly.

"What does hermosa mean?" I ask, equally quietly.

My heart is thumping and I'm not sure why.

Wait. Yes I do.

No no no no no.


I try to push the realisation out of my mind. And focus on the moment that's happening; waiting for Javier to reply.

"Hermosa means beautiful," he whispers, moving slightly closer.

"Are you- is that a joke or- did- did you mean it?" I ask, locking eyes with him. I can't talk, my heart is going too fast.

"I mean it. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he murmurs.

There's silence while I process this.

"I'm in love with you, Ella," he says.

And then he kisses me.

And then he stops.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have-" he's cut off by me kissing him.

It feels like the entire universe has aligned.

How long have I had feelings for him?

Years, honestly. I just pushed them down.

I can't believe I didn't ask him out sooner.

Ella Matthews - A RDR2 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now