Chapter one : A strange discovery

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/ Many things have happened since the start of the war. The extinction of Cybertron and the arrival on Earth had caused certain things in both camps. But the biggest discovery, of course, was humans. The Autobots wanted to protect them, being on the bright side, and the Decepticons wanted to destroy them and control the Earth to create a new Cybertron. The Autobots had three humans by their side : Jack, Miko and Raph. And soon, the Decepticons would meet as well a special human ... \

Knockout : Uuugh ! I'm so bored !

Breakdown : Stop grumbling will you ? Lord Megatron send us to a mission. We have to-

Knockout : Follow his orders or else we're scrapped I know. But why this mission ?!

/ Breakdown sighed. He didn't like the mission either. But they had no choice. Megatron gave them the mission to spy on the humans who work with the Autobots. And by the way, learn about humans. So they activited their holoforms and went to the school where the humans were. And here they were, waiting\

Breakdown : Be patient. It's just a matter of time.

Knockout : Well it better be quick.

/ Suddenly, the bell started ringing. A mass of teenagers came out. It was difficult to find your way around. But they end up seeing the three teenagers. However, something else caught their attention\

Girl : Hey freak !! Always alone ?

Boy : She's so weird ! Look at her !

Girl : Crazy yeah !

/ A young girl with long silver hair and crystal blue eyes was being insulted by other teenagers. She didn't seem to be affected, more annoyed. Jack and Miko ended up intervening\

Jack : Hey leave her alone !

Miko : She is not a freak ! And she is not weird either !

Layla : Don't bother. They are stupid anyway.

Miko : But Layla-

Layla : Don't worry Miko. I'm fine. I'm not affected by this kind of words. Not anymore.

Jack : Yeah but still .. we don't want to leave you alone in situations like that.

Layla : That's nice of you. But I prefer being alone if you know what I mean.

Miko : Yeah we know. But it's not because you're different that we have to let you down.

Layla : Yes I know. But you know as well that I'm not used to it. Because of my "special personality".

Jack : Of course we know. But if you still need help, we are here.

/ Jack, Miko and Raph eventually leave. The name Layla ends up going too. Knockout and Breakdown looked at each other, surprised by the situation\

Knockout : Wow .. well that was unexpected.

Breakdown : Poor girl though .. why do kids have to be so violent with each other ?

Knockout : Eh always told you, kids are evil.

Breakdown : You are still traumatized from the day a kid had scratched your painting are you ?

Knockout : Worse than demons.

Breakdown : Anyway .. this human girl seems to be different from the others humans. She said she had a special personality.

Knockout : Well maybe she has special capacities.

Breakdown : I thought it was just in ... what human call .. "comics". Knockout do you think she's a special specimen ?

Knockout : Well maybe. Do you think we should follow her ?

Breakdown : Yeah, just to learn about her capacities.

/ They followed the young girl who had stopped in a park. This world was really not made for her, she thought. Everyone was so ... flat. She blew a blow\

Layla : Humans are so stupid .. If they can't get me then I can't get them. I wish I could be in a different world sometimes. As the WonderLand .. it would be so cool !

/ Knockout's eyes widened. Same for Breakdown. Was she ... an alien ?!\

Knockout : We have to tell Megatron about that !

Breakdown : Yes !

/ They returned to the Nemesis, returning to their normal forms of course. Megatron seemed to be waiting for them, at the same time they had been out for a long time. Starscream was also present, always annoyed. But after all, a Starscream who is annoyed and screams for nothing is a normal Starscream. A silent Starscream is very suspicious. Even when he was beaten by Megatron he could yell. So nothing seemed to have changed since their departure\

Starscream : Oh you finally came back. After two hour !

Megatron : For the first time, I must agree with Starscream. What took you so long ?

Knockout : Well Lord Megatron, Breakdown and I witnessed a strange discovery.

/ Starscream raised one of his metal eyebrow, surprised and curious of what they said. Megatron seemed intrigued as well\

Megatron : What kind of discovery ?

Breakdown : We're not sure about the details but we saw a human girl who seems to have special capacities.

Starscream : What capacities exactly ?

Knockout : We don't know exactly. But she said that humans were stupid because they couldn't get her. And she talked about "living in another world like the WonderLand".

Starscream : Huh ? Lord Megatron, is this possible that there are aliens among the humans ?

Megatron : Not impossible yes, but if this human girl has capacities as the ones an alien would have, then we have to take her and do experiments on her.

/ They all nodded and left. Megatron called Soundwave, his third in command\

Megatron : Soundwave, find this girl and bring her here.

/ Soundwave nodded and leave.
This night, Layla was looking at the stars in the sky. They were beautiful tonight. Sometimes, she dreamed that she could fly. Being a bird would be nice. But she's human unfortunately\

Layla : Hmm .. It's getting cold. I should get in.

/ But before closing her window, she saw something flying fast above her house. It was a plane. But not a military one, either the one we see in the airport. So .. what was it ?\

Layla : Weird ... Anyway, I have to go to sleep.

/ Layla lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. But she could swear feeling someone watching her. But not near her .. like .. something big watching her from her window \

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