Layla : Why can't I know ?
Megatron : Because it's for your own good my beloved pet ~ but don't worry, I promise that you will see the big surprise when it will be ready.
Layla : Hm riiight. But who will keep me company today ?
Megatron : Shockwave and Predaking.
Layla : Okay [What are they planning to do ? Maybe I can ask Shockwave about this. I saw him talking with Knockout yesterday].
/ Today everyone except Shockwave and Predaking were on a joint mission. They had been preparing something for weeks, but Layla had no idea what it was. They didn't say anything to him. Or it was things like "Oh You'll see ~ it's going to be a big day" or "Secret secret princess ~".
So in the end, Layla wouldn't know until everything was ready. Megatron entered the Shockwave lab. The scientist was once again observing something with his various tools. He turned around, having noticed their presence.
His cold and feelingless universe was illuminated by Layla's eyes. His favorite test subject. He hoped to keep her today. He had lots of ideas about the types of observations he could make on her\Shockwave : Greetings Lord Megatron and Layla.
Megatron : Greetings Shockwave, you will keep our little princess today ~ look after her and don't let her go anywhere.
Shockwave : Understood. It will be illogical of me to let her go anyway.
Megatron : Good. See you later my beautiful pet ~
/ Megatron left after kissing her. She was now in the Shockwave servo. The robot's red eye persistently looked at the human's fragile and small body. Despite his distant personality, he had to admit: she was very beautiful. A real jewel. And like all jewelry, it has the merit of being studied and observed\
Layla : Soo what are we going to do today ?
Shockwave : I want to do some test on you.
Layla : Really ? What test ?
Shockwave : Lay down on the table. If the metal is too cold, tell me.
/ Layla lay down on the autopsy table. Indeed, the metal was frozen. Despite the fact that she was in a blouse, skirt and tights, she could feel the frozen feeling all over her body. Shockwave noticed Layla's sudden cold shakes. Fortunately he had planned the blow by preparing a heating for her. He turned it on \
Shockwave : Better my dear test subject ?
Layla : Better. Why is it so cold ?
Shockwave : Previous tests caused this. I didn't have time to warm it up in time. I hope this heating will be enough.
Layla : What tests exactly ?
Shockwave : I can't tell you. Megatron's order.
Layla : Seriously ?! What is this sort of plan or whatever this is of yours ?! I wanna know I wanna know I wanna knooow !!
/ Okay note to self : Aspergers can be extremely childish when they are angry. How cute. But how can he calm down a child ? He thought about it and found out what he needed\
Shockwave : Predaking ! Can you take the gems that you found yesterday ?
/ Predaking nodded and went to take the gems. The best solution to calm a child when he is angry is to give him what he likes the most. And what Layla likes the most : gems.
Predaking came back with the gems. Shockwave took them and gave them to Layla \Shockwave : Here take them. They are new.
Layla : Oh really ? Let me see !
/ There you go. Layla will be distracted for at least a while. This time, Shockwave didn't necessarily want to be interested in her autism. He already knew everything about it. But now he wanted to observe her body and her metabolism. Indeed, he wanted to know if humans were so different from robots or not. He began to scan her first.
Already it seems that humans have several layers on their bodies : skin, muscles and bones. Then their bodies are filled with what's called blood. For robots, this is called the energon. Shockwave had always found the color of blood beautiful. A magnificent thick red. It was of big beauty for him, and he was not the only one to think that.
Something else he was fascinated with : her heart. It was even more elaborate than a spark. The beat, the form, its importance in the life of the being. Everything was perfect about this heart. And despite the fact that he had observed other human bodies and metabolism, the most beautiful according to him was the one of Layla.
But now, he wanted to know another thing. One thing that interested everyone on the Nemesis ..\Shockwave : Layla ?
Layla : Hm ?
Shockwave : How do humans reproduce ?
Layla : Why do you want to know that Shockwave ?
Shockwave : Research on humans. Simply.
Layla : Well, Human reproduction is the set of processes by which a man and a woman generate a new individual. To create this individual, they copulate or have sex no matter how you say it. Then the women get pregnant and give birth to the individual.
Shockwave : And do humans have sex only for that ?
Layla : Well not only. Some does it for pleasure and fun. If a woman does not want to get pregnant, the man or she or even both can use contraception to avoid this. So people can do this whenever they want to.
Shockwave : Did you experiment it ?
Layla : What ?! No way ! I'm too young for this.
Shockwave : Logical.
/ Layla looked at Shockwave, confused. It was odd. But it was only for his research after all. Everything is science, why would she worry ?\
Shockwave : So only the female human can give birth ?
Layla : Yes.
Shockwave : Interesting. And can humans be marked ?
Layla : Marked ? What do you mean by that ?
Shockwave : Well, on Cybertron, a robot can be something called "sparked". It is when the partner proclaims it or owns it. This is done during, what you call you humans, sex. So is there an equivalent for humans ?
Layla : No there is not. Humans can do it with any body, it can be with someone they love or someone they just met. And these people by the way are disgusting.
Shockwave : Hm logical.
/ Once the tests were completed, Layla went with Predaking. She didn't try to understand Shockwave's "research". So she left him alone for the moment\
Predaking : What did he do to you ?
Layla : Nothing really. He just asks me some questions.
Predaking : Hmm .. as long as he doesn’t do something "weird" on you, I'm okay with this.
Layla : Don't worry Predaking, I'm fine.
Predaking : [I know you are, but I'm not when I see the others trying to do something on you. Please stay innocent Layla]. I know.
/ Later, in the middle of the night, Shockwave was still doing his research. It was exciting, at least Layla made them exciting. But they will have to wait a little longer. Megatron and the others still had plenty of plans for their princess. And it is with pleasure that Shockwave would participate\
Shockwave : Science is more beautiful that I expected ~

💜Our princess💜 Decepticons x OC story [FINISHED]
FanfictionLayla is a beautiful human girl who is in the same class as Jack, Miko and Raph. She is an asperger autism and because of that, she's quite rejected. Moreover, she doesn't have any family left. But what will happen when she will caught the attention...