Chapter twenty five : Target

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/ It's been two years. Two years since Layla got kidnapped. Two years where the Decepticons had gotten stronger and stronger. Two years where the Autobots ... were about to loose the war.
It was hard to admit yes. Because Optimus always had hope in a way. Hope for them to win, for the humans and the Earth. Moreover, they won several battles against them. But he couldn't deny it : Megatron was preparing something. Something big. Something dangerous. Something which was .. unstoppable. And no matter the way, he has to stop it.
The atmosphere was getting quite heavy. Miko had told them about her meeting with Layla. Everyone was surprised of course. Some Autobots, such as Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead agreed with this. After all if she is happy, why should they interfer ? But others, like Ratchet or even Jack, were angry about this. Saying that she was a traitor. Anyway, it is not like it's gonna change anything.
Now here they were, thinking about a plan. A good one. A fragging good one. And no need to say, it was hard\

Raph : *sighs* Sorry guys .. but the security system of the Nemesis was pretty build since the last time. It is impossible, no matter how hard I try, to get in.

Arcee : Don't worry Raph, you did your best. It's what matter.

Ratchet : Really ?! So am I the only one who is actually worried about the situation ?!

Bulkhead : If that reassures you, no you are not the only one.

Ratchet : Great ! Now can we think about something ?

Arcee : I would love to, but do you think this is simple to find something which will stop them ? If so, go on.

Jack : Stop it !

/ Ratchet and Arcee looked at Jack. Miko was sitting on the couch, next to Raph\

Jack : Do you think acting like this will help ?!

Arcee : Hm .. Sorry Jack.

Ratchet : Hm .. Yeah sorry I guess.

/ Optimus was watching his friends. It was almost like that everyday. He must find a solution before they split up.
Smokescreen and Bulkhead looked at their dear friend and leader. He was quite absent for a while. It was not surprising honestly. But everyone was worried about him\

Smokescreen : Hey Optimus .. Are you okay ? You seem .. off.

Optimus : Yes I'm alright my friend. I'm just thinking.

Bulkhead : We all do. Don't lock you up you know. We're a team.

Optimus : *sighs* I never saw Megatron that obsessed before. Except with Dark energon. And he's very dangerous when he's obsessed about something.

Ratchet : Not surprising from- wait ! I think I have an idea !

/ Everyone looked at Ratchet, waiting to hear the idea\

Ratchet : It is very risky and complicated to do. But I think this is the only way. If they are so obsessed about Layla, if she is their everything, if she's not here anymore with them, well they will do anything to get her back.

Arcee : What are you trying to say is that-


/ Miko couldn't believe it. Why her ?! Why did he even have this stupid idea in mind ?! It was stupid and cruel !\

Bulkhead : Are you crazy ?! Did you see what they did when we were trying to take her ?! What will they do if we actually success to take her ?

Ratchet : Do you know about threatening ? Guys I know this is a cruel idea but, do you have another idea ? It will definitly work if we do it good.

Miko : I-am-against-this !! Optimus, guys ! You agree ... right ?

/ Everyone looked down and said nothing. Even Bulkhead. Even Optimus. No ... They couldn't. They just couldn't !
Tears began to ran down her cheeks\

Optimus : Miko .. This is the only way. We won't harm her don't worry. We will just dissuade them.

Jack : Yeah I'm on it ! It will end the war !


/ Miko ran off. Bulkhead tried to stop her, but Arcee stopped him before he could do anything. It was useless.
The punk girl went home after three long hours of walking. Miko was exhausted but at least she had time to think about what she was going to do. It was bad, very bad. But she couldn't stand the idea that the Autobots faced this with her best friend.
Miko took the computer and turned it on. Thanks to Raph, she learned a lot about technology, computer science and data processing. So she perfectly know how to put a signal somewhere. And to make it appear to only certain people. So these certain people can come to this signal, so she can see them and talk to them\

Miko : I'm sorry Optimus, I'm sorry Bulkhead and I'm sorry everyone. But we let me no choice.

/ She activated the signal in the forest which was near her town. They will see it soon so she must go here before them.
Now they will see who is the real target\

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