Layla is a beautiful human girl who is in the same class as Jack, Miko and Raph. She is an asperger autism and because of that, she's quite rejected. Moreover, she doesn't have any family left.
But what will happen when she will caught the attention...
/ Layla was playing with her gameboy while she was on the medic room's desk, with a warm fluffy blanket around her. She was even in her pajamas with her slippers on. Only Knockout and Breakdown were present in the room with her. It was 9:00 PM. Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave had been on a mission for a long time now. So, Layla had spent her day with Knockout and Breakdown. It had disturbed her at first, it was changing from her usual routine. But they made her comfortable and made sure that she had everything she needed. In the end, it was a great day. Then Breakdown made sure to remind her to go wash and Knockout made her the meal that was scheduled for today. Fortunately, Soundwave had prepared them well. Aspergers always have a routine with schedules so that they feel safe. At least that's what they understand. After taking a shower, Layla put on pajamas and returned to Breakdown and Knockout. Knockout had given her her meal and Breakdown had brought her a blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold\
Breakdown : Don't play too long with that thing, Layla. Screens are bad before sleep.
Knockout : Oh come on Breaky, she will be fine. Soundwave let her play with her gameboy when she's with him.
Breakdown : Well maybe but it's still bad !
Layla : Don't worry Breakdown. I'm going to stop anyway. I finished my game.
/ Layla turned off her gameboy. She looked at what Knockout was doing. He seemed to be fixing something, but she didn't know what. Or he was testing something. Curiosity drove her to see what he was doing. But Knockout stopped her\
Knockout : Huh huh little one ~ observe but far away. I don't want to hurt your pretty doll face because of an unwanted accident ~
Breakdown : Knockout is right. It's dangerous.
Layla : What are you doing ?
Knockout : Secret Secret ~
Layla : Oh come on ! Why can't you tell me ? At least, tell me what this weird green liquid is !
/ Knockout started to have a strange look on his face. As if he was .. hiding something ? Or surprised ? She couldn't tell\
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Knockout : Sorry but I think it will be for another day. Now all I can tell is that it's bed time ~
Breakdown : Knockout is right. You should go to bed now. It's late.
Layla : No fair !
Knockout : The lil' princess must obey or else she will be punished ~
Layla : I know the fairy tail by heart Knockout.
Breakdown : So if you know it, go to bed Layla.
/ Breakdown carried Layla to her bed. Knockout also accompanied him. He put her back in her bed and checked again if she was warm and comfortable in. Knockout, meanwhile, waited for Dreadwing outside the room. He volunteered to watch the room at night. Everything can happen after all\
Breakdown : Good night my princess ~
Layla : Good night Breakdown.
Knockout : Oh good night from your knight, princess ~
Layla : Hihi good night Knockout.
/ Breakdown closed the door and joined Knockout. Dreadwing arrived a few minutes later. He had heard that only Knockout and Breakdown were keeping Layla tonight. And he had volunteered to stand guard outside her room. After all, he had nothing to do. So if he could devote his time to protecting Layla, he would like to do so\
Knockout : Hey Dreadwing. So ready to protect the lil' princess ?
Dreadwing : I don't think anyone will dare to approach this room. But if it does, I'll make sure to get rid of that person.
Breakdown : We trust you on that, don't worry.
Knockout : Anyway, I have to finish this test before tomorrow. Lord Megatron and Starscream want it to be ready tonight.
Dreadwing : What is this "test" exactly ?
Knockout : I am creating a poison that melts any type of metal. And on top of that, the poison will go up to the spark going to choking and then to death ~ !
Dreadwing : I guess this is for the Autobots.
Breakdown : Who else ~ ? If we want Layla to be safe, we have to get rid of them.
Dreadwing : Indeed. Call if you need anything.
Knockout : No problem. See you tomorow Dreadwing.
/ Knockout and Breakdown left. Dreadwing stood at the door, straight and watching over every corner of the corridor. Unlike the others, Dreadwing was not crazy or madly obsessed with Layla. He was like Breakdown, he paid attention to her protection and made her happy. But if anything ever happened to him, he would lose it. In the past he had already lost his brother, he could not afford to lose another person who was important to him. But however, he couldn't help but cringe when he saw Layla with Starscream. After what he did to him, Dreadwing no longer had any confidence in Starscream. So seeing him with Layla was a danger to him. Even if Layla said it was alright, he will never believe him. Three hours later, at midnight, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave returned. The good news was that the poison was finally ready. Starscream already started to think about which Autobot they were going to choose. Megatron had simply said that the first one trying to kidnap Layla would be the "test subject". Before recharging, Soundwave checked if Layla was in her room. And it was the case. Knockout, Breakdown and Dreadwing made their reports then went to recharge. But even though everyone was recharging, it didn't stop them from having their eyes on Layla. Their little princess. In this fairy tale, despite the fact that they pretended to be her knights in shiny armor, but they were just the dragons who had kidnapped her. But hey, who said that princess always need classic knights ?\