/ It was a pretty basic day on the Nemesis. Layla was with Knockout and Breakdown in the medic room. It is true that boredom was beginning to settle in slowly for Layla. Fortunately, something seemed to "stir" this silence.
Knockout and Breakdown was talking about something but she couldn't tell about what. But one thing was sure : Breakdown seemed annoyed, pretty damn annoyed. So she decided to ask them, wanting to know what was happening\Layla : Knockout ? Breakdown ? What are you talking about ?
Breakdown : Nothing sweetheart.
Knockout : Oh come on Breaky, the lil' doll is not a child. We can tell her.
Breakdown : But she's dangerous.
Layla : Who is "she" ?
Knockout : Arachnid.
Layla : Who ?
/ Breakdown sighed. He didn't want to make her scared or break her innocent into pieces. Yeah he saw her as a child. It was his little princess after all. And nothing will change his vision of things. So when Megatron announced that Arachnid would return to the Nemesis, he snapped. And he was not the only one. Starscream, Soundwave, Dreadwing and Shockwave were also enraged at the idea of this femme being present on the ship. Not far from their princess.
Knockout was also worried about Layla. But his best friend was becoming paranoid. Like .. really paranoid. It was even quite scary \Knockout : A femme Decepticon. She betrayed Megatron long time ago. And she tried to rule the ship and take his place.
Layla : Starscream n°2 ?
Breakdown : Worse. Even Starscream hates her.
Layla : He hates everybody Breakdown.
Knockout : True. But everyone hate her. That's the thing.
Layla : So why did Megatron let her come back ?
Knockout : Don't know.
/ Later that day, Layla was walking around in the Nemesis. She was just going to get food and then going back to Starscream and Soundwave. Her headphones were playing her music at the maximum level, so she couldn't hear any noise around her. The music she was listening to was "Lily". She really liked this song, it made her think of her relationship with the Decepticons.
But suddenly, she began to think that something, or someone, was watching her. But .. it was not Soundwave. Layla turned around. Nothing\Layla : [It is .. odd. I better hurry and get back to Starscream and Soundwave]
? : So it was true ~ a little insect who is the princess of Decepticons.
/ Layla turned her attention to the female voice. It was a femme Decepticon, which was to be Arachnid. She looked like a spider, with long, pointed metal legs. One thing was sure : Arachnid did not seem pleased with her presence\
Layla : Hello Arachnid, isn't it ?
Arachnid : Yes yes it is my name you little insect.
Layla : I also have a name you know.
Arachnid : Like I care. I don't know why all of these idiots fall for you. But trust me, you won't last long.
Layla : Oh really ? I can't wait to see that.
/ Arachnid groaned and left. She was scared of Megatron. Scared to be killed by him .. or another. It could see it for miles. And that made Layla laugh deep down. It had been a long time since something really interesting had happened. Certainly, taking fear and jealousy from people as a game or a hobbie was "heartless". But it was so funny for her to see the reaction of these people. Moreover, it was only robots right ?
A few hours later, Starscream was looking around him. If he saw, even a second, Arachnid, he will kill her. Even if it was stupid because Soundwave had his optics everywhere and he will do so if he saw her. But he couldn't help it. The seeker didn't want his precious thing to be hurt. Ugh ! Why did Megatron let this bitch come back ?! How can he be so careless about her safety ?! It enraged him so much.
But suddenly, Starscream was taken out of his thoughts by Soundwave, who patted him on the shoulder with one of his tentacles\Starscream : Oh .. right Soundwave. Sorry I was in my thoughts.
/ Soundwave looked at him without saying nothing, then he looked at Layla who was on the floor against the wall. She was playing with her gameboy and had her purple headphones on. She seemed to have fun with her game.
Starscream sighed deeply. Why did Soundwave have to be so smart ?\Starscream : Yes it is about Layla. Why wouldn't it be ?! Aren't you worried or even scared for her safety ?! We must kill her !
Megatron : Not now Starscream.
/ The two decepticons turned around. Megatron was there. His expression on his face was serious, as usual. He stepped forward and glanced at Layla. The girl was too preoccupied with her game to notice his presence in the room. But Megatron did not seek to point out to her. On the contrary, it suited him.
Starscream looked at his master with a puzzled, slightly angry look. Soundwave was neutral as usual, but he still wanted explications\Starscream : My Lord, with all the respect that I have for you and your decisions, why is Arachnid here ? She is useless for the cause and dangerous for our princess !
Megatron : Hehe ~ believe me Starscream, not everyone is useless.
Starscream : What do you mean by that .. ?
Megatron : Let me explain. Our precious thing will not hear us anyway.
/ After explaining, Starscream was smiling greatly. Now he understood, so was Soundwave. And Oh they loved this idea ~
During the evening, Layla was with Dreadwing. Everyone was missing except him. Where were they ? \Layla : Hey Dreadwing, where are everybody ?
Dreadwing : Shockwave's lab. They are .. busy.
Layla : Really ? Busy ? Seriously like I will believe it.
Dreadwing : Well I'm not going to tell you princess. So just wait until they returned, will you ?
Layla : Hm sure.
/ Meanwhile, Megatron and the others were looking at Arachnid's dead body. Indeed, not everyone is useless. Now she will be used to create another Cybertron body. She was the only femme Decepticon after all. That's why they had to do this.
To create a body for someone who was really special for them ... someone they cared about. So she can be with them .. forever \

💜Our princess💜 Decepticons x OC story [FINISHED]
FanficLayla is a beautiful human girl who is in the same class as Jack, Miko and Raph. She is an asperger autism and because of that, she's quite rejected. Moreover, she doesn't have any family left. But what will happen when she will caught the attention...