/ On a sunny day, Miko was preparing a picnic for her and Bulkhead. He's been doing a lot better lately, although he still has some unhealthy ideas. That's why today, they were going to go outside. It will do them a lot of good.
Sometimes, Miko still thought about Layla. She knew she was okay. She trusted her. But ... She really missed her. It was her friend after all. Layla was so nice and even funny sometimes. They had great times together. But anyway, life goes on right ?
Besides, she still hadn't told the Autobots, Jack and Raph about her discussion with Layla. Which was pretty stupid in the end. That's why she decided to talk to Bulkhead about it at the picnic\Miko : Come on Miko ! You can do it ! It's not hard .. It's not hard !
/ When everything was ready, Miko left her house. Bulkhead was there, in his vehicle form. She smiled and got back into the truck\
Miko : Hey Bulkhead ! How are you doing ?
Bulkhead : I'm fine I guess. And you ?
Miko : Well I'm alright ! It's sunny today ! You're still for a good picnic ?
Bulkhead : Yep !
/ Bulkhead started driving. They headed for a forest with a large lake. Miko took the picnic and started walking with his best friend. A calm and peaceful setting was present, accompanied by birdsong and a wind that made the grass and flowers dance.
When they got near the lake, they settled on the ground and Miko took out what was in the picnic. Bulkhead looked at his friend with a big smile. She seemed to be getting better too, which reassured him. Even if it was quite strange because Miko seemed downright to have forgotten Layla. At least that's what he thought. He didn't dare talk about it yet, he wanted to let her recover little by little\Miko : Here this is for you ! I made it !
Bulkhead : Thanks Miko. I didn't know that you could cook something hehe.
Miko : Hey ! I know how to cook ! Is it Jack who told you that ?
Bulkhead : No no nobody said it don't worry hehe.
Miko : Yeah right !
/ They continued to chat and eat for a few minutes. Then Miko took a deep breath. She had to tell him\
Miko : Bulkhead .. I have something to tell you.
Bulkhead : Sure what is it ?
Miko : Well .. you see .. last month when I went on a mission with Jack and the Autobots, I saw Layla again. She admitted to me that she wanted to stay with the Decepticons. They take good care of her and treat her like their princess. And I decided to accept her decision. I didn't tell you because I needed to recover you know ?
/ Bulkhead was quite shocked. He didn't know what to say. Actually, he didn't except this. That was ... There was no words to describe it\
Bulkhead : Well ... good for her I guess ? But I'm surprised by your reaction.
Miko : I know .. I was also surprised. But I only want her happiness so .. If she's happy with them I guess it is alright. Everything will be fine after all right ?
Bulkhead : Yeah of course. Now we have to tell the others about it.
Miko : Yep.
/ Meanwhile, Layla continued her daily routine on the Nemesis. She hung out with her "knights" every day, out of the Nemesis or not.
She had her series, her video games, her books, her movies, what to eat and a very comfortable and warm bed. Nothing was missing, she was perfectly settled. Moreover, everyone took care of her. They protected, loved, cherished and spoiled her. So yeah, she really lived like a princess.But but but ... There was something else ...
Indeed, they had lots of plans for their dear princess. Oh yes, lots of things. For now, it had to be kept secret. Even if Layla suspected something after Arachnid's sudden disappearance. But it didn't matter. They were going to continue to take care of her and keep her busy until that day came. Oh this day, this precious day ! The day they most expect !
The day when Layla will become a female Cybertron. And after that, it will be the end of the Autobots. For the glory of their princess. Glory of the Decepticons \
Starscream : Hehe ! You're right human, everything will be just fine ~ !

💜Our princess💜 Decepticons x OC story [FINISHED]
FanfictionLayla is a beautiful human girl who is in the same class as Jack, Miko and Raph. She is an asperger autism and because of that, she's quite rejected. Moreover, she doesn't have any family left. But what will happen when she will caught the attention...