Chapter eleven : Watch out for the quiet ones

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Layla : Hey Soundwave.

Soundwave : *What is it Layla ?*

Layla : Have you always been like this ?

Soundwave : *Error : Do not understand the question*

Layla : You clearly understood the question Soundwave. If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine.

/ Soundwave looked away from the computer and looked at Layla, who was resting on his shoulder.
It was a calm day on the Nemesis. This time, Layla was by his side. He was always happy, even if it couldn't be seen, to have her near him. For some time, he had admitted it, he had become a pure stalker. He knew every hour, every minute and every second the localisation of Layla and who she was with. It was so simple for him to know. He had access to all of the Nemesis' cameras after all. Then somehow he had access to every conversation. At first, watching her was just an order from Lord Megatron for him. But now everything was different. Layla had become a very good company. And maybe even more. But what he felt was secret and will remain so.
So answering this question was against his interest. The answer might seem obvious. Has he always been like that ? Hey, Soundwave would have laughed if he wasn't mean to be silent. If she knew, if everyone knew. Only Megatron knew. And it had to stay that way.
Soundwave used one of his tentacles to stroke Layla's head\

Soundwave : *You don't need to know Layla. Go back to play while I work, would you ?*

Layla : Sure Soundwave.

/ Layla resumed her game boy and started playing again. It is true that it was not her habit to ask this kind of question. But Soundwave was really mysterious. It was his silence that made him ... intimidating. Then he was extremely skilled in fighting. And everyone understood : you had to be wary of him. "Watch out for the quiet ones" as Knockout said. Just because you can't see him or don't hear him doesn't mean he's not there, waiting to attack or threaten you. So she wanted to understand. Maybe another day\

Three days later

Layla : My Lord ?

Megatron : Yes my precious pet ~ ?

Layla : Can I ask you a question ?

Megatron : Sure thing. What is it ?

Layla : You have known Soundwave for a long time, don't you ?

Megatron : Yes, for a very long time. Why ?

Layla : Was he always silent ? Who was he before your meeting ?

/ Megatron chuckled. He didn't except this question. But he could understand her curiosity. Soundwave was a mystery for everyone after all. Except for him of course. Maybe he could tell her. He knows that Soundwave wouldn't mind if he tells her\

Megatron : In a manner of speaking, yes. He was always silent. But I only heard his voice once.

Layla : Really ? When ?

Megatron : When I offered him a place at my rank. He just said his answer : Yes.

Layla : Only that ?

Megatron : Only that. But I must admit, I don't know all his past. All I know is that before he was a self-employed hacker. He got all the data he wanted and could kill anyone. He was famous on Cybertron. However, he had no friends or professional relationships. Just himself.

Layla : What about his family ?

Megatron : Got killed. But who know by who. Even me I don't know. All I know is that he lived alone since he was young sparkling.

Layla : I see.

Megatron : That is why when I started my political projects, I shared my ideas with him and asked him to join me. And he accepted.

Layla : I see [Wow even back then he was feared]. And he really didn't have anyone by his side ?

Megatron : No one my precious pet. He lived alone. He was used to it I guess.

Layla : I understand him.

/ That evening, around 3 AM, when only the light of the moon was the only source of light, a Vehicon was howling to death. There was little chance that he would survive. And before he died, the only thing he would see was a purple and black Decepticon with a visor.
This trash dared to insult Layla. And the orders were clear : No one says anything about her. So it was only right to kill him. Megatron wouldn't mind of course. And so wouldn't Layla. She didn't even noticed that this Vehicon had said something about her. But Soundwave did. And it enraged him.
After getting rid of this junk, Soundwave went to Layla's room. She was sleeping, as expected. She had precise schedules with a specific routine, which suited him quite well. He walked over to her and gently stroked her head with his digits. She was like an angel. Why did she have to live in a world where people didn't understand her ? It was useless. And he knew what he was talking about. He just have to see what he did to his parents. But it was another subject. He knew what he had to do. It was his goal. And as for war, he will do everything to maintain this goal. He was capable of anything after all\

Soundwave : I must protect the princess of Decepticons. The enemies : Autobots and humans.

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