Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~~~~~ EILIJAH'S POV ~~~~~

When Rou left the parking lot there was nothing else I could think of. When we hugged I dug my face in her neck and breathed in her wonderful scent. Its just amazing and she's so beautiful. My wolf begs me to take her, but I can't . We just met and I don't really know anything about her, nor does she about me ether.

I hopped into my car and drove home, mind linking Dylan to get Tylon my third in command so we can talk about the rouge that trespassed.


"So what exactly happened?" I asked Dylan and Tylon. Since they took care of the problem.

'A rouge trespassed our territory and was killed' Dylan confessed.

"By who?"

''We believe that it was by Chase Boyd, Rou's cousin''

"Why are you so sure?" I stated not jumping into conclusions.

'Because we found his wallet in the park, where the rouge was killed'

"Do you think that he might be the Shadow Daemon?"

''Maybe there is a possibility, the Shadow Daemon showed up the same time he came in town. And there is no way that its Rou''

"Speaking of which, she's not human"

'WHAT?!? What do you mean, not human?'

"Think about it, if she was human she couldn't possibly take down a wolf the way she took Angel down. When I reached to her and took her outside her eyes where red. I thought that it was just me at the time, but when Grace almost ran over her, her reflexes where fast. And her eyes turned a deeper shade of red with a tint of gold surrounding it. Also today she said I had a smell when our smell to humans is nothing, they can't smell us"

''So what do you think she is?'' Tylon asked with allot of curiosity.

"I don't know she might be a werewolf but I have never seen anything like that before. And in our books, it says nothing about it"

'She could be a lycan you know, even though nobody has seen them in years'

''She can't be a witch or a vampire ether''

My brother Colan mind linked me


"Let's go, Dylan tell Megan to go with Rou I want her to be safe. There is a rouge attack and I don't want to take risks"  I stormed out to where Colan said they where. I mind linked the others to come and help.

I shifted to my wolf and rushed all the way over there. As soon as I got there I saw my brothers gray wolf. There where seven rouges and three where already dead.

My brother was by himself and the seven rouges where against them. I grabbed one by the neck and snapped it. Dylan and Tylon came just in time to help finish up the rest.

I was looking for my brother until I spotted him on the ground near a tree. He was badly injured and I needed to get him back home to the pack doctor.

'Eilijah this is Megan, Rou is badly injured and Chase is gone im taking her to the hospital' Those words made my heart crumble and it felt as if I got stabbed thousands of times on the chest.

"No Meagan bring her to the pack house, and take her to the pack doctor I'll meet you there" with that I rushed to the house.

I finally reached the house and the infirmary, I placed my brother in one of the beds.

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