Chapter 27

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Taemin hugged Taehyung.

Taehyung completely relaxing in his touch. A rare comfort he found.

As they broke apart. They held smiling faces with heavy hearts. Their eyes replaying their painful past before them.

"Did you get all the chemicals?" Taehyung asked checking the single box kept on a dusty drum.

"Got all of them in the exact proportion you asked for." Taemin said assuringly.

Taehyung nodded.

"Taehyung, your going to be fine. The plan is going perfectly." Taemin assured him.

Taehyung looked at Taemin, they both were always nervous. Things have never been the same for both of them. Taehyung checked the box and looked through the chemicals.

"What about your alternate plan?" Taemin asked.

"It's.. going.. Well i think" Taehyung mumbled.

"Taehyung? What is it?" Taemin asked clearly concerned.

Taehyung brushed his wavy hair. He seemed stressed.

"I can't wait for this to end soon." Taehyung said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"They did us wrong." Taemin said in agreement.

"I'll burn the whole government down, watch it go down in flames." Taehyung said his voice shifting to a stern tone.

His determination made Taemin feel pride.

"You miss him don't you?" Taehyung said walking around the warehouse.

Taemin looked down nodding.

"You miss being you too don't you?" Taemin asked Taehyung.

Taehyung said "That damn project took my existence. My family thinks I'm dead. This world thinks I'm a dead man. I can't even... go back to them even if I want to. They ruined me and I will ruin them."

"Taehyung.. I know you miss being the man you were before that god forbidden experiment." Taemin added.

Taehyung banged his fist on the wall. His anger prominent. Heavy breaths  left his mouth.

"I miss him alot Taehyung... He was the only reason I had to live." Taemin said sadly.

Taehyung looked at Taemin.

"I won't let Taeil's death or any of the people who lost their lives that night be in vain." Taehyung almost yelled with determination in his eyes.

"Taehyung.. They think the project was a fail. What's suprising is.." Taemin stood in front of Taehyung looking into his dark angered eyes.

"The suprising part is.. I'm the only successful experiment that they don't even know about." Taehyung smirked.

Taemin pulled out two bottles of coke.

Taehyung smiled as he remembered his preferences.

"If it's okay to ask.. How's your plan working with Noora?" Taemin asked.

Taehyung thought of her. A small smile creaked on his lips. The most unexplainable unexpected beautiful aspect of his plan.

"She's.. Something.." Taehyung trailed off unable to find words to describe her.

"Someone seems very unsual." Taemin teased.

"I was going to use her Taemin. To keep a control on media. Noora Dariwsh was the key to spread news faster and to spread the news that I wanted to spread. It was to take care on the flow of information, the type of information about V I wanted the world to know but..." Taehyung stopped unable to frame the words for his sentences.

"Taehyung is falling for her." Taemin exclaimed loudly.

Taehyung said softly "I've never loved someone so much."

Taemin sensed his pain too, not just the love and affection. He had a fear in his voice.

"Taemin.. I don't ask for anything with her. Because she deserves so much better than me. It will... just ache when I have to disappear once we are done with this. I want to live each moment with her now. Because in the future I will want her to be the brightest star in my life.I may be selfish to put her through this..." Taehyung said honestly.

"She will, Taehyung will live. But V won't. We can't be certain of the future. But i would say, live to your fullest with her. I never saw life in your eyes since project HT happened but today your eyes felt alive the moment you heard her name. Stay by her for as long as you can cause you have less time. Maybe a dead man has a chance to relive. " Taemin spoke honestly yet he wasn't bitter in his tone.

Taehyung nodded and absorbed everything he said. Taemin was one of the people he trusted. One of the people who knew Kim Taehyung wasn't dead like the rest of the world.


The phone buzzed constantly.

After a eternity of uneasiness the call was answered.

"Dr Fillmore here." the voice said.

"Its Ahn.. I need to tell you something very important." He said worriedly.

Dr froze a bit. He put down his research papers and walked to his office window. He gazed outside.

He saw through his office glass the Amazonian Forest vividly sparkling in the morning dew.

"What is it?" Dr asked.

"You have to stop the project." Mr Ahn said.

"What?!? Why?" Dr Fillmore yelled.

Mr Ahn gulped nervously. He expected such a vague reaction out of him.

"Stuffs happening around here." Mr Ahn said.

"What kind of stuff?" Dr Fillmore questioned.

"There is this masked guy, he's been targeting all our mates. He's got Mason, Oliver even Jefferson. Bong has lifted his hand from the project afraid this son of a- will get him too." Ahn complained.

"Did you try to track him down?"  Dr asked.

"He's like smoke. Nothing.. No trace." Ahn said dissappointed.

"Dont try to catch him. Let him think he's in the lead." Dr Fillmore said.

"But.. We can't let him kill our.." Mr Ahn was cut off.

"Do as I say, you work for me. I will buckle your knees if I find out you've been spying on him behind my back." Dr Fillmore hissed

Mr Ahn replied "Yes Sir."

"Good...i guess i have to wish Brazil goodbye. I'll see you soon in Korea Ahn. Keep ready a expensive glass of wine or else we'd have a scene then now wouldn't we." Dr Fillmore smirked gruesomely.

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