What If?

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Bethany POV

You know that feeling you get when you have nothing to wear for an upcoming event. Well that is the crisis I am going through. For several hours, I have been trying to put together an outfit for the gala. Why I am I so anxious?. Finally giving up,I decide upon  calling one of my closet friends from Dancing With The Stars,Sadie. " Sadie, I need  help!" "Is everything alright?" she asks. I sigh heavily as I begin to explain everything. "Wait so he asked you on a... date?" she asks in a shocked voice. I take a moment to consider it and realize that this is practically a date. "I guess," I say as my voice shrinks. So you absolutely  can't find anything to wear?"  "Yeah, I have -" "I"ll come over in 30 minutes," she quickly says as the line goes dead. I  let out a heave, relieved that I have some help.As soon as Sadie arrives at my house,we go to the mall. We first decide to go to Macy"s because they always have formal apparel there. "So how did.. he..um... ask you out?" I roll my eyes at her in a jocular way. "Well we went to eat and he asked me if I wanted to go with him. Besides it isn't a big deal, we're just friends." Sadie glances at me and mutters something under her breath. "What?" She emits a sound of queerness. "It"s just that your denying something so obvious. Derek must really like you to ask you to take you to a gala.' I give a reluctant sigh, and say "Look I really like Derel too but I just don't want to jeopardize our friendship." Sadie gives me a understanding nod. "Sometimes risks and things that scare you are good for you." She is right, the thought of being in a relationship with one of my best friends does frighten me a lot. But I just need to stop getting lost in my trance and worrying so much.. "Thank you so much!" "Anytime girly," she replies with a wink.

Derek"s POV

I nervously pace around as I contemplate at Bethany"s door. Derek why are you so nervous? You have waited so long for this moment I can't blow it up now. I straighten up to look more confident, and tap on the door. Suddenly,my jaw drops, as a striking,elegant woman appears in front of me. I am at lost at speech struggling to say a word. "Wow" is all I manage to say. For a long period time,I stare in awe. I catch myself lost in my thoughts."I mean you  look...- beautiful!', I exclaim snapping myself out of the daze. Bethany blushes as her cheeks turn a cotton candy pink. "Thank you handsome,' she replies with a smirk on her face. Her eyes seem to shimmer and her brown hair is swept over her shoulders. I am so lucky. As Bethany and I walk arm in arm to my car, I realize something. I just don't want to be friends with Bethany I want to pursue a relationship with her. But I don't want to rush things and scare her off. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?

Author's note: I hope you guys are liking the book so far. I am so excited for DWTS tonight!!!

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twitter: @nutellabeauty

talk to me on their if you have some ideas for this fanfiction:) 

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