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Bethany's POV

"Maybe because I like you." Those are the words that come out of Derek's mouth. My eyes bulge as he says that and my mouth becomes dry . I sprint to the bathroom because I don't want to face him. I stare at my reflection in the mirror for a long time as hot tears roll down my cheek. Why would he like me? I mean it was evident but I didn't comprehend. I honestly enjoy being around Derek. However,I don't want to get involved with someone and they end up hurting me in the long run.He has dated girls that are dimes like Nina Dobrev and Cheryl Cole. Compared to them I'm practically a penny. Look at me- I have boring brown eyes and dull colored eyes. I purse my lips in defeat. I deflate like a balloon. But then I hear a small voice pop in my head. "Sometimes risks and things that scare you are good for you." That is what Sadie had told me and she is right. I am letting my mind take over and I just need to stop thinking about things so much. I quickly wipe my tears away and straighten my back to appear confident. I stride outside and walk to the table we are seated at. "Hi," I say in a small voice. Derek turns looking relieved that I'm here but puzzled. "I think we should go back home," stutters Derek. I nod in disappointment.With that, we get up, and leave without a word.

In the car, a scowl is painted on Derek's face. "I don't understand," I finally say breaking the silence. "Me neither," Derek mutters. I glare at him."No, I honestly don't understand why you are interested in me. Why would you take me to such an important event? Why are you interested in some 19- year old girl. I mean there is so many other girls you could date. Girls who are prettier, more experienced, and can actually give you what you want and do that with you. Derek shakes his head in frustration. "Bethany you don't understand, I am not like other guys. I genuinely like you. I think you're an amazing person and absolutely beautiful. You are a ball of light that shines everywhere you go. I have felt this way about you for the longest time. And for months I have tried to muster up the courage to tell you this,but every time I am about to, I chicken out. I remain silent for a few moments and I gulp, " You really feel this way about me." He looks into my eyes with a grin and nods sincerely, "Yes." I began twiddling my thumb awkwardly but somehow are fingers come together and bind . I heave deciding on what to do. "I like you too, I was just confused about us," I whisper. There is something I want to say but I struggle to find the right words. "Sorry for making this night a bust. I kept on leading you on then basically rejecting you," I say with a small but nervous chuckle. "I mean if there is anything I can do to -." Derek interrupts and puts his fingers to my lips. "You can be quiet." I laugh. We both stare into each others eyes and he leans and cups my face in his hands. Soon,our lips collide and I capture the beautiful moment. My fingers trace along his jawline, as Derek strokes my thigh. This moment was all I had imagined it to be - it was magical. We pulled apart as we pressed our foreheads together. We were both were beaming with happiness like a million Christmas lights.

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