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"Hi." Jays voice made me jump as he leaned over and placed a quick kiss on my cheek as I locked my car in the precinct lot.

"Hey." I smiled turning and leaning in to give him a quick kiss, before it was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"So this is where you ended up?" Pulling away from Jay I looked over his shoulder and spotted a familiar face from New York.

"Finn?" I grinned, rushing over pulling him in for a hug, pulling away just as Jay came over giving me a weird look. "Oh right, Finn, this is Jay Halstead he's..." I stopped thinking of what to call him. "Uh, part of my team. Jay, this is Finn Tutuola, SVU New York, I worked with his until for a few months before I started at the 31st." I introduced, watching as they did the typical 'guy hug' before starting to walk towards the entrance.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked as we walked through the districts door.

"Your boss called Liv, found a victim this morning that matches the MO of multiple girls down in New York." He explained, as we got to Trudy's desk.

"Liv's here too?" I asked excited to see my old boss again.

"Nah, me and Rollins, Liv's got her hands full back home." He said deflating me slightly. "Rollins should be up there already."

"So just you and Rollins right, no one else?" I asked, knowing he'd know who I was referring to.

"Just us girl." He nodded patting me on the shoulder with a small smile, just as we got to the gate.

"Good. Hey Jay, can you take him up, I've gotta talk to Trudy real quick." I said motioning over to the sergeant who raised her head as she heard her name.

"Yeah, sure, I'll tell Voight you're down here." He said nodding before buzzing them both through the gate, taking a deep breath I spun around to face Trudy.

"Hi Trudy." I smiled leaning on the front of her desk.

"What are you creeping for?" She asked bluntly taking off her glasses and raising an eyebrow at me.

"What? I can't just come and talk to my dearest aunt before I go catch a serial killer?" I asked mock offended, making her smile slightly.

"I don't really know how to say this, and this is as much your decision as it is mine, but I wanted to speak to you first because this is a big thing, kind of, but yeah you're opinion is really important to me and I don't want to step out of line or seem ungrateful but.." I rambled looking like I was throwing shapes with how much my arms were moving before she stopped me.

"Kyles, do it." She said with a smile.

"What? How'd you? Voight." I said confusion fading quickly, of course he'd already spoke to her, if only to make it easier for me.

"Listen," she said putting her hand over mine that was resting on the desk top. "You and Stan, you never really were family, I know what he was like and how at 13 you were practically on your own. That's why you came to me every weekend, because I wanted you to have at least one family member, and now you have three of us, you deserve to have the name of your real family." She smiled giving my hand a squeeze as she reached under her desk. "Which is why, I filled out the forms for you, all you have to do is sign." She said placing the papers in-front of me, already filled out.

"I, uh, thank you Trudy." I said sincerely, smiling up at her as she held her pen out towards me.

Kylie Voight

"You missed my middle name." I said after reading through the papers.

"I didn't even know you had a middle name." She said looking at me strangely.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now