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"I've got a lead." I said rushing up from my desk and over to the printer. "This guy goes by T-Mac he's with the G-Park Lords, words out that he's looking for Calaca which confirms that Nathan was was involved with them." I said grabbing the photo and pinning it up on the board, looking to Al as I finished.

"Lindsey, Dawson, you're with me." Hank nodded at the two detectives who immediately grabbed their coats and rushed to the armoury.

"I think I got something." Adam said putting his phone down. "That was one of my CI's, he said that the Latin Priests get the low level guys, normally kids, to pick up phones from tourists in millennium park, they then take the phones to the boss back at headquarters." He told us looking over to Al since Voight had left.

"Run with it." He nodded heading back into the break room where his daughter and ex-wife were waiting for the case to close.

"And where are you going to find a tourist exactly?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, soon dropping it as I noticed both his and Jay's eyes on me.

"You're up Voight." He grinned.


"I can't believe I'm wearing this." I groaned into the mic on my wrist as I sat on a bench in the park, the phone with a tracker built in sitting in front of me, in plain sight and reach.

"You look good babe." Jay chuckled sending me a wink from the opposite side of the water fountain that he was pretending to admire.

"I feel like a grandma whose trying and failing to look cool." I mumbled looking down at my outfit, a random hockey tee and a pair of khaki pants, a small bag dangling off my right shoulder.

"Best looking grandma I've ever seen." He said with a laugh.

"Stop flirting we got a possible coming your way V." Adam said drawing my attention to where he stood a few feet away pretending to be in the phone, noticing a young boy on a skateboard paying close attention to certain people, including me.

With a sigh I picked up the phone to check the time, making sure he could see, and put it back down at the edge of the table before leaning down and retying my shoe lace, until I saw a skateboard coming towards me and an arm reach out and grab the phone.

"Hey! What the hell man?" I shouted after the kid playing the role. "And I've just been robbed." I laughed into the mic, job well done.


"Nothing but a kid and a grandmother whose giving him some leeway." Adam sighed as he climbed back into the car, we were at the address the phone with the tracker was taken, but apparently it's just some kid trying to make money, no gangs.

"At least we checked it out." I shrugged starting the car and heading back to the district.

"It's doesn't make sense, my CI specifically said that their the only crew who work in millennial park, I just don't believe it was unrelated." He said more to himself than me. "Wanna grab a coffee before we head back, or tea in your case?" He asked nodding to a small cafe up ahead.

"Ruzek you know me so well." I grinned pulling into the lot. "I'll wait here." I winked as he got out the car with a chuckle.

Waiting for Adam to come back I flicked through the radio stations, singing along to one of my favourites before a kid ran out of the cafe catching my attention, Adam running out seconds behind him.

"He took my phone!" He yelled pointing towards the kid who had ran for an alley. "Head back to the house!" He called as he disappeared the same way as the kid had.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now