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Sighing I dropped my bag and coat onto my desk, it had been about a week since the team found out that I was a Voight, and a week since Erin had spoken to either me or Voight when it wasn't about a case we were working, Antonio said that she was stressed out because she was still trying to help Nadia, the working girl who had helped us solve the counterfeit case a few weeks ago. Everything else had been fairly normal, other than me and Jay, we still haven't spoken properly since that day he asked about my reunion, which is a week away.

"We got a case." Voight said making me jump as he came up the stairs a few minutes after me.

"I was serious about that bell you know." I said as I spun around to face him. "A, what case? And B, where is everyone else?" I asked noticing that we were the only ones in the bullpen.

"Their already down there, Burgess and Atwater caught the case." He said, me listening as I picked up my coat, shrugging it on before turning to walk back down the stairs.

"Why am I the last to know exactly?" I asked confused as to why everyone was already waiting on us.

"I needed to talk to you about Justin." He said lowly as we walked through the gate and past the front desk, sending Trudy a wave and a smile as we passed.

"What about him?" I asked as we climbed into the SUV, although I had a feeling it was about him showing up covered in blood last week.

"Remember that friend of his I told you about?" He asked, nodding my head as I thought back. "He was arrested for murder a couple of days ago, Justin was the driver." He told me without taking his eyes off the road.

"What? Is he being charged with it?" I asked worried, I couldn't lose the brother I had only my just got.

"I've got an old friend in the gang unit who was working the case, they've got enough on the guy without Justin so legally he wasn't involved." He said as he turned onto the same road as the crime scene.

"That's great and all, but he's gunna really have to watch his ass now." I said rolling my eyes as I noticed Erin and Jay stood together talking, close enough so that their arms were brushing.

"Listen, about this case." Voight said pulling up and stopping the car. "The main and only witness is Lexi." He said nodding out the window.

"Al's Lexi?" I asked looking out to see the young girl stood with her father. "Is she okay?" I asked concerned, I had only met the girl a handful of times but she was a smart girl and was going to make it far in this world.

"She's shaken but she's fine, I want you to talk to her, and only you." He told me. "Al doesn't want her to testify or talk to anyone else, he's trusting you." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You know I won't let him down, or her." I nodded as he squeezed my shoulder before we got out.

"What have we got?" Voight asked as Al and Lexi came over to us.

"It's Nathan, he was walking me home after this party and some guy came out of nowhere and shot him." Lexi said her voice shaking slightly as she looked between the three of us.

"Hey, you're gunna be okay, why don't we go back to the district and get a drink, yeah?" I said putting my hands on her shoulder and leading her towards the SUV's.


"Careful, it's hot." I said as I placed the cup of coffee down infront of Lexi as we sat in the break room back at the district. "So, how long have you known Nathan?" I asked as I took a seat next to her.

"Uh, a few weeks, we met at my friends birthday party, we've texted here and there but nothing special." She said looking down at the mug in her hands.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now