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"So, how are we gunna play this?" Jay asked as we walked up the district stairs having left the cafe a couple of minutes after agreeing to let Voight know about the USB.

"Play what? We just tell him the truth." I shrugged casually, only to see him looking down at me with an eyebrow raised. "Oh!" I said in realisation. "About us? Let's get the guy who did this to Jin and then everybody can know that I'm all yours." I smirked with a wink as we entered the building.

"Hey Trudy, is Hank up stairs?" I asked leaning up against her desk once again.

"You know this isn't a leaning post right?" She asked sarcastically as she leaned over and nudged me off slightly. "And I'm not sure, haven't seen him today." She shrugged.

"I can't believe you would do that to your own niece." I muttered fake upset rubbing the spot where she had nudged me.

"Hey Sarge, who's that?" Jay asked quietly nodding over to where Kim was stood with an officer from a different district, a familiar one may I add.

"Roman?" I asked out loud watching as both his and Kim's head swiveled round to me. "Long time no see." I smiled as he and Kim came over.

"Yeah." He said bluntly looking at me quickly before looking back to Kim. "I'll meet you at the car." He told her before quickly walking away.

"So it's not just me that he hates then." Kim sighed as she stood beside me watching Roman walk away.

"Why does he hate you?" I asked confused, Roman was a great guy back when I worked at the 31st.

"I have no idea." She shrugged sightly. "He got all pissy with Trudy because he thought she had said 'Tim' on the phone, guess he just didn't want to be partnered with a woman." She said shaking her head. "Guess I'll see you after shift." Se sighed with an eye roll as she went to find her new partner.

"Yeah, let me know how it goes!" I called after her receiving a thumbs up in reply.

"You know her and Ruzek had a thing going on?" Jay asked as we walked towards the stars to intelligence waving a quick bye to Trudy.

"What? What happened to Wendy?" I asked confused although thinking back I hadn't heard Adam talk about her in a while.

"He broke things off, said that he had to see if there was something there with Kim." He shrugged as though it was a normal everyday thing.

"Well damn." I muttered as we went through the gate and up the stairs.

Dumping my stuff at my desk I pulled the USB out of my pocket and motioned for Jay to come into Voight's office with me. Knocking at the door there was a brief moment of silence before a faint 'come in'' was heard from the other side, slowly opening the door I saw Voight sat with his head in his hands, clearing my throat got his attention making him sit up in his chair and motion for me to come in, Jay following and closing the door behind himself.

"What can I do for you?" He asked looking between the two of us, me looking to Jay to explain since the stick was left for him, when I saw that he was making no move to talk I sighed and put the USB on Hank's desk.

"Jin sent it to me six weeks ago." Jay finally spoke, nodding down to the stick. "It was sent to the wrong district, I only got it this morning." He explained.

"What's on it?" Hank asked looking up at Jay with furrowed brows.

"Someone from IA was blackmailing him, using his fathers debt as a way to use Jin to get information on you, but he refused, he recorded it all." I said watching as realisation started to form on his face. "The IA officer that he was talking to was Stillwell." I said slowly watching as his eyes flashed with recognition before he looked between me and Jay with a brow slightly raised, shaking my head I silently told him that Jay didn't know about Hank's deal with IA.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now