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"What's going on?" I heard Jay ask as I followed him into Voight's office after the IA Officer had left, closing the door behind myself.

"You tell me." Voight shrugged putting a folder on the desk, pulling out surveillance photos of Jay's car following the same make and model car that Lonnie Rodiger owned.

"Were you following him?" I asked taking a closer look at the pictures.

"You know what he brought, he's gunna kill another little boy." Jay defended himself putting his hands behind his head.

"Where'd you go when you left millennium park yesterday?" Voight asked leaning back in his chair and looking up at Jay.

"I went to see the Corson's, you know, the parents of the Kid Lonnie killed." He said, his frustrations coming to light.

"What time did you leave?" Voight asked standing up behind his desk.

"I don't know Sarge, I just know that I got there at about four." Jay sighed rubbing his hands across his face. "Look Sarge, I didn't do this, you've gotta know that." He said looking at Voight with pleading eyes.

"I believe you." I spoke, looking from Voight to Jay giving him a small smile. "I promise."

"Badge and gun." Voight's voice caught both our attention. "Just until this whole things cleared up." He clarified.

Sighing Jay slammed his badge and gun down onto the surveillance photos and stormed out, the door slamming against the wall at the force he had used. Shaking my head I sighed turning to walk out of the office before a voice stops me.

"What's going on with you two?" Voight asked motioning to where Jay was shoving things into his desk drawer before grabbing his coat and rushing out.

"What?" I asked closing the door and turning to face him. "Nothing, why?" I shrugged, kind of lying.

"Let's keep it that way, I don't need you getting involved with this." He said flicking through a case file.

"Involved with what? Being accused of a murder I didn't do?" I asked sarcastically.

"If you want to date a cop fine, but you find one from another unit." He said lowly, walking over to the door and opening it. "That's all Officer."

"Are you kid- you know what? Whatever." I mumbled brushing past him and over to my desk, flopping myself down and ignoring the looks I was receiving from the rest of the team.

"Hey, I just got a call from Severide, fifty one just caught a call the car was empty when they got there except for a human torso in the trunk." Erin said hanging up the phone and looking over to Voight, who was still stood in his doorway.

"Alright, let's head over." He nodded, everyone standing and grabbing their coats, including me. "Not you, stay here." He mumbled as he walked past me, tapping on my desk just so I knew he was talking to me.

"What?" I asked confused looking up to see that he was already walking away towards the stairs. "Seriously Sarge?" I called after him only to ignored, huffing I flopped back down in my chair and laid my head down on the desk top, this is gunna be a long day.


"Hey kid." Anotonio's voice made me jump out of my day dream, I was currently sitting in the break room, a now cold cup of tea sitting in front of me that had been forgotten as a result of daydreaming.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now