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"No answer." I mumbled looking over at Hank.

This was the fifth attempt I had made to call Jay, each time it was ringing through to voicemail, sighing I put my phone down on Voight's desk and rested my head in my hands, eyes closed trying to think of anywhere that Jay would have gone. Adam and Kim had already been and checked his apartment, Erin had gone to Molly's but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, I got a ping on his phone." Adam said suddenly opening the door to Voight's office and showing his tablet screen to us. "He's at 'Ray's Place', a bar on the other side of town." He said confusing me. What was he doing there? And why did he tell me he was going home?

"I'll go." I volunteered, well not exactly volunteered but I was going either way. "I'll let you know what I find." I said nodding to Voight before quickly exiting the office, grabbing my coat from my desk and rushing through the bullpen, out to the car ignoring the strange looks people were giving me as I brushed past them.


As I pulled up outside the bar I immediately spotted Jay's truck sitting opposite the doors, pulling up behind I quickly jumped out wrapping my arms around myself as the cold Chicago wind blew my hair back away from my face. As I pushed the door open I was greeted by the smell of alcohol instantly, making my way inside I kept my eyes open for Jay, It wasn't very busy, only a few people dotted here and there before I spotted Jay sitting at the bar alone with a glass of whisky sitting in front of him.

"Hey." I said gently as I took a seat on the stool besides him, making his head quickly turn to me, shocked expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked raising his hand to get the barmaid's attention.

"You wasn't answering the phone, I was worried Jay." I said quietly looking up at him slightly.

"Awwh, you care about me." He joked smirking slightly making me laugh before nudging him gently.

"Jay, you've got a $100,000 bounty on your head, of course I'm worried about you." I told him honestly, feeling my stomach drop just thinking about what could happen to him.

"I know." He said nodding slightly. "That's why I came here, somewhere I don't go often" He said shrugging slightly, finishing his drink. "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd come here, I didn't want to risk you being caught in the middle." He sounded sad, looking at me with glistening eyes.

"Bounty or not, we're in this for the long run Chuckles." I smirked using the nickname I had given him when we'd first met, I hadn't used it in a while.

"Get down." He muttered quickly, the smile dropping from his face as he watched the window and door behind me.

"What?" I muttered turning to see what he was looking at. There was a shadow behind the blurred window, the outline of a gun clear in his hand. "Everybody get down!" I yelled just as the gun was raised and shots came flying through the now shattered window.

"Kylie, you good?!" Jay yelled, gun out at the ready just as a cry and a thud caught both of our attentions.

"I'm good!" I yelled back before I saw a leg hanging out from behind the bar. "Behind the bar!" I yelled just as the bullets stopped, standing up from my crouched position besides the bar I quickly ran out to the front just in time to see a grey pick-up truck speeding away, quickly firing a couple of shots I managed to smash the back window but other than that it just kept going.

Sighing to myself I pulled out my phone and quickly dialed Voight, after a few seconds he answered. "Dad, it's me, I found Jay at the bar but someone's just fired multiple shots through the window grey pick-up I didn't get the plates but I got a shot through the back window." I said quickly, not even realising that I had called him 'dad' for the first time.

Love in the 21st ~ Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now