Chapter Six

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Finally it is Sunday and I finally got my aunt to let me leave the house. So I went back to the Hollywood sign to try and finish what I have been working on for the past month. I have a good feeling that today would be that day that I get to do that. It is so freeing to finally be out of the house and away from Charlie. All week he continued to make my live a living hell as if it wasn't already bad enough. Plus he got his friends Xander and Ethan to join in with him as the week went on. Apparently the Xander that stayed with me the hospital room was a moment he had and that moment has past. Thinking that is a good thing I smile to myself as I grab my brush and begin to add more color to my piece in big broad strokes. Slowly I lose myself in the work until all I have on my mind is the swirling colors that flow from my mind to my canvas.


It isn't until several hours later when the timer on my phone goes off reminding me that I need to go back home do I lose focus on what I was doing. Soon enough I begin to pack up my things and head back towards my car. Walking along the path, I am reminded that the last time I was here was when I received the first note. After getting to my car and putting my supplies in the back seat I realised that there wasn't new note. My smile fell slightly when I got in and started to drive home.

Oh well, I knew it was too good to be true anyways. After the Monday I had at school last week the guy that was sending them probably got scared away from me by my clumsiness. Maybe it's for the best, I think to myself as I get on the highway to head back to the house. Its was true good to be true anyways.


Pulling my car into the driveway and getting out with all my things is not welcome as I prepare to have to deal with my cousin more as soon as I walk through the door. Managing to finally truge my way to the house and through the door, I run up stairs as fast as I can to avoid Charlie for as long possible. Having made it I let out a sigh of relief when no one noticed that I was home yet. So taking the time I needed I got ready so the weekly Sunday night dinner and once I finished I slowly made my way downstairs and to the dining room. 

"Hey Jo did you have a good day today?" asked Lily the second I sat down in my chair.

"Yes I did why?" I asked her knowing she was hiding something from me.

"Oh no reason. Hey, by the way, there is something in the kitchen for you. I'm going to go run and get the boys. I'll be right back." As soon as she finished her sentence she bolted, actually bolted, out of the room into the backyard to get the boys, I'm assuming Charlie and Xander, to get washed up for dinner. 

The second I walk into the kitchen I knew what she was talking about. There, on the island in the kitchen was a bouquet of two dozen flowers, and they where my favorites. The bouquet contained white daisies, violet roses, and my absolute favorite, stargazer lilies. Grabbing out one of the lilies to smell I noticed a small piece of paper folded into a small flower fall out of the real flowers and unto to floor. Reaching down I noticed what it was. It was from Him. I still have no clue who that Him is but on one of the folded petals is the word tesoro and I instantly knew I had to unfold the letter to read what it says this time. 

Taking the one flower I grab out of the vase and the note I started to walk into the dining room, only walk into Xander because I wasn't paying attention. 

"Oh sorry," I say as I continue to walk past him. 

Finally getting the note open I see what the words are. They read My Tesoro I see forever when I see your face and I swear God made you just for me... Smiling to myself, feeling the happiest I have in a long, I sit down at my place at the table next me with my flower on the table next to me and the note in my pocket when I remember that I have heard those words before, but I can't remember when that was. Why do I know them? And why do I remember someone singing them?


Sitting in my AP History class the next day is absolutely terrible. It is the last class I have before our lunch break and it will also be the first chance that I have to get to my locker. I was late to school today because Charlie turned off all of my alarm clocks while I was asleep. Somehow I managed to get to my first class just as the bell rung so I wouldn't get in trouble. I was a week behind with school now and all of my teachers decided to give me all my makeup work at once in one big packet during my first class for all of my classes and I haven't had time to put anything away. So, as soon as the bell rang I was out of seat as fast as I could be and headed to my locker to finally relieve myself of the extra weight that I have had with me all day.

However, as soon as I opened my locker three small pieces of paper fell out distracting me from what I was doing. Regain my thoughts as fast as I could I threw everything into its place grab my lunch and the three notes and headed back to my safe place. 

Once there it took me longer than usual to climb up and get comfortable as I was trying to be safer to avoid falling out again. Lily told me that I did that last week and I really don't need another concussion right now. I myself don't remember anything that happened that day at all. The doctors told me one day I would, but for now no one knows when that will be. So, I'll just have to wait but it doesn't bother me not knowing. What could have even happened that I would want to remember anyways? Contemplating the various reasons before giving up, I begin to eat my lunch so that I can have more time to read the notes I just got from my locker. 

The second that I finished with my lunch I took all three notes out and noticed that they all had a day on them, so I decided to read them in that order. 

Wednesday read I'm sorry you fell out of the tree and got hurt. It broke me up inside to see you in pain. 

Thursday was Hey Tesoro, I miss seeing you everyday here at school, I can't until you come back so that I can see that you are alright.

And finally Friday's that was my favorite and the one I hated the most. Reading it the second time I had to read it outloud to myself to make sure I understood it. It read, "I wish I could tell you who I am my Tesoro, but I know if I do that now you'll never want to see me again. Right now I need you to see me for who I am with you. Give me the time to show you who I am, I promise it will be worth it. Will you do that? Right your answer on this piece of paper and leave it under the tree for me. I need you to trust me Tesoro."

What am I supposed to do? How do I know if I can trust this person? I guess that that is they want to do thought. He wants me to take a leap of faith. My mom always told me to take a chance if the chance felt right and this feels right. The notes that I have gotten from Him are the best things that have happened to me in a long time and I want to see where this goes. So I decide to do just as he asks and right my answer on the paper and leave it under the tree. 

My answer was, "Yes, I will give you the time. I want to know who you are. However long it takes, I will wait until the time is right for you to let me in and let me know your name. I will trust you, please don't break your promise..." 


After dinner that night when I went back up to my room I found a note taped to my window. The same note that I left under the tree. When I go closer I saw that under what I had wrote there was a new sentence. 

I will go to the ends of the Earth and back again to show you the real me my Tesoro. 

After reading the short answer, I put the note with the others in my desk and pulled out my earbuds. Heading back to the window I went out onto the roof and listened to music on my phone while staring back up at the stars. The music and the stars matched my mood tonight. Everything was peaceful and calming. As I closed my eyes I saw an image of my self in my car. Someone else was driving and they were singing along to the radio. They had a beautiful voice. Then suddenly I remembered where I had heard the words on the note that was with the flowers. They were from a song and the only other thing I see in this memory is a pair of brilliant emerald green eyes that held a smile so bright that I felt warm all over from the memory of it alone. When was this memory from? And whose eyes did I see?

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