Chapter Nine

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The second the bell rings I am out of my seat and the first one out that door as I run down the halls and outside to the yard looking for Xander. Frantically running around I find him with Charlie, but right now I don't care if this is going to cause a scene I want answers and for the second time today I am going to get them from him

"XANDER!" I shout as loud as possible as I run up to him making him turn around. Once he sees it's me he starts to smile before I shove him as hard as I can making him stumble as I caught him off guard. He starts to speak but I cut him off.

"What the hell is your problem? Did you seriously think that it was okay for you to go and punch the guy that was being nice to me? I mean, what the hell! Why is it any of your god damn business anyways? Oh right it's not! Your not my father and you sure as hell are not my fucking boyfriend so what makes you think you can punch people that are being nice to me? Just leave me the hell alone!" I yell at him asking all the questions I can think off at the top of my lungs running my hands through my hair as I turn and storm off.

 I don't get very far as he runs in front of me cutting me off. By now everyone that was outside in the yard has circled around us, watching to see what is going to happen next. I shove him out of the way again, but this time he was ready for it and he grabbed my wrists in his hands and tries to look into my eyes. Looking away because I don't want to see his gorgeous eyes or beautiful face I groan as I know fighting against him won't work.

"Let go Xander," I command sternly.

"I can't Jo, I can't do that. Not this time," he answers me softly which forces me to look up him, One I do I see his eyes are soft and pleading like he is trying to make me calm down and relax. 

"Why not?" I ask him with venom dripping from my voice. 

"I just can't Jo. Not yet," he says with a defeat sigh.

"Whatever Xander," I say to him taking advantage of his weak moment to break free from his grasp and walk as fast as I can to get away from him.

"TESORO!" I hear him shout as loud as he can stopping me dead in my tracks. Slowly I turn around to face him. 

"What did you just say?" I question in a soft voice.

"I lied this morning Jo. I lied to you about everything," he says me as he walks closer to me.

"What do you mean you lied? What did you lie about?"

"Everything you remember from last monday is true, it all happened that way. I was just to afraid of what would happen if you found out that I was the one leaving the letters. But you have to know it was me you even said so this morning after we kissed."

"What? Dude you kissed my cousin?" Charlie yells in from behind Xander.

"Oh shut up jackass we're not talking to you right now!" I yell back at my stupid cousin before directing my next question to Xander, "and you! How do I know you're not lying to me know to make up for the fact that you just punched someone that showed interest in me?"

"I see you Jo, your work means something to me. You found it under the windshield wiper after leaving your painting space that you always go to on sundays at the same time every week since you got here. The stars in the sky shine bright, but not as bright as the stars I have noticed in your eyes. It is also the first time that I called you Tesoro. You found that note on the wall outside your window. I put it there after you ran away from outside your door after I helped you up from when you fell down since you ran into me," he states after seeing me look at him in confusion. He keeps walking closer to with each letter he explains to me while I just stare at him in silence.

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