Chapter Thirteen

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Sunday nights. I usually hate them, but not this one. This Sunday night meant that it was the end of my "house-arrest" for my injuries. I couldn't wait to have the distraction from my thoughts. My painting didn't even seem to working after that day with Xander saying he wanted us to be friends. 

That night after we finished dinner, I wanted to talk to him. However, I never got the chance to. He carried my back to my room and right as I was about to tell him that we needed to talk about everything, he got a phone call. This phone call seemed to change his mood entirely. His eyes change from the soft shining emerald colored that I was accustomed to seeing from him, and they changed into what could only be described as black. It was like he shut down entirely and he left the room without saying a word. I heard him storm out of house and to his bike before taking of at an ungodly speed. I'm not going to lie, that scared the shit out of me. 

Just as I was almost asleep I heard my phone chime with a text notification. Reaching over I grabbed my phone of the stand to check who texted me. Maybe it was that girl I had for my lab class we were supposed to have a project starting tomorrow. Although, when I checked it, the number wasn't saved in my phone. Who would text me?

I'm sorry, we can't be friends. I won't tell anyone what happened to your parents. I hope you won't tell anyone my story either. 

Xander. There is no other explanation. He must have gotten my number from my phone or Charlie's when neither of us noticed. I should have seen this coming. I knew that Xander wanting to actually be friends with me was only an in the moment kind of thing. After all the friendship only lasted a few hours in total. But, that didn't stop the pain that I felt from his words from invading my brain and my heart. 

Ignoring the emotional pain that I was feeling I forced myself to sleep. I needed my energy to use my crutches all day at school the following morning, and I was damned if Xander was going to take that away from me. 


Hearing the bell ring signaling the end of the first half of the day was like music to my ears. Everyone at school has been avoiding me like I have a deadly disease or something. I mean I have a broken leg, the least you could do is hold the door open for me! Not even Charlie did that in the class we shared together this morning. To matter everything better as well, I haven't seen Xander all day and he is usually in my second hour class. I don't really care that he's not there, but maybe he could have helped me even if he doesn't want us to be friends. 

As I get to my lockers, I had almost forgotten about the fact that someone has been leaving me notes as well. I had expected there to be one in my locker from the days that I missed, but it was like they knew that I wasn't going to be there. Opening my locker now I see one in there that has been slipped into it front the slots on the door. Just a simple piece of notebook paper that has been folded. I wouldn't think twice of it if I didn't see the name who ever is sending them is calling me. Tesoro. Quickly grabbing the letter out of my locker, I open it up to read what it says this time:

"My Dearest Tesoro,

I'm sorry that you have broken your leg. I wish that I could take care of you. However, if you knew who I was you wouldn't want me to. I tired to talk to you the other day and I couldn't bring myself to get close enough to you. I know this is hard for you to hear. All I want is for you to know who I am, but I fear that that may never be possible because of who I am, because of how my life is. I don't want to burden you with any of problems when I can see the trouble you hold behind your own eyes. I once heard you say to yourself that they are a boring brown color and that can not be any farther from the truth. I hope to one day tell you in person what I see when I look into your beautiful eyes my dear Tesoro."

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