Chapter Eleven

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What happened? Everything that just happened felt so real. All that I thought that had happened between me and Xander was all a dream and what did it mean? Do I like him? Is that why I dreamt all of those things had happened between the two of us? The last thing that I remember that is really and not a dream is walking away from Xander because he looked me out his house that he brought me too! Looking around the room that I am currently in. I see my aunt Lily sitting in the chair next to me asleep.

"Lily?" I call out to her.  She stirs slowly in her chair as I call out again.

"Hey Jo sweetie. How are you feeling?" she asks me softly moving to sit next to me on the bed.

"I have no idea. My head hurts so much and so does my leg. What happened?" I asked her a little to loud making a sharp pain shoot in my head. Tears flowing freely from my eyes and down my cheeks. 

"Well, the school called me saying that you fell out of a tree but that you only had a concussion and that Xander was going to bring you home. So, I felt work early to go see how you were doing and when I just got to the door I got a call from Xander that you passed out and where at the hospital. He stayed until I got here and than he left without a word. Do you remember anything that happen at all?"

"No, I remember that I woke up in my room and than Xander brought me to his place for food afterwards. When we got there we got into a fight and than he looked me out of his house, so I started to walk home. I don't remember anything else. When can I get out of here?" I asked Lily and she gave me a small smile.

"Well honey you broke your leg in two places when you fell. So you have to stay here for a few days because of that as well as your concussion that is worse now," she told me in a voice so soft I could tell that it was hard for her to process as well. I nodded my head slowly as the tears slowed down before they stopped flowing from my eyes. 

"I think I'm going to go back to sleep since my head is hurting so much right now. Can you bring me in my travel paint supplies please? I need something to do while I'm in here," I asked my aunt as my eyes slowly started to close on there own accord. 

"Of course. Get some rest I'll bring them here right away. Your supplies will be here when you wake up again, I promise," she whispered to me as I finally gave in to the sleep that overpowered everything else. 


Waking up later, looking at the clock I notice that is ten o'clock in the morning. I had no more dreams about Xander and for that I am thankful. Coming to my senses as little more, I hit the call button on the remote next to me to call for someone to help me get what I need. Within a few minutes a nurse with auburn hair pops in with a smile on her face.

"Hey Doll! I see you are awake now. My name is Amber I am your nurse for the day anything I can get you?" she asks still showing me her bright smile that it comforting in the dull hospital room. 

"Yeah, actually I was hoping that you could turn the light on for me and help me get set up with my art supplies so I can try and relax a bit more," I ask here with a small style of my own. 

"Of course that would just take a second to do. But I have to keep the lights low for that nasty concussion that you have."

"That's okay I'll be able to see well enough in the low lights. I usually paint the best at sunset anyways," I tell her as she is walking around grabbing up anything that I would need as I move around on the bed into a better position for painting. Grabbing the tray table that goes over the bed and adjusting the bed heights to get the best angle for my table easel set.  

"Here you go sugar," Amber says to me as she helps me set the easel up and adjust my paint tray so that everything is within an easy reach for me to grab. 

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