Chapter Ten

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--- Xander's Point of View ---

"XANDER!" he heard her yell at me as I was walking away from. I stopped in my tracks turning around to face her. What else could I do? I ruined it py punching that stupid Sam guy. He was in my last class and I kept hearing him say he was going to score with some innocent bambi by the end of the night and I knew he was talking about Jo and it pissed me off. Sure deserves someone that will treat her the way she deserves even if that isn't me. 

Looking up slightly just in time to catch her as she jumped into my arms her muttered, "hi."

"Hi," I reply softly as I adjust my hold on her before I crash my lips into hers immediatly gettin lost in the kiss. I hear everyone cheering around us and I know she does too because I can hear her laughing at her cousin who is still yelling at me about kissing Jo. We both ignore it all and continue kissing each other as if it is the only thing in the world that matters right now, and for that is true. Nothing else matters except for the fact that Jo is kissing me. She believed everything I told her and she wants to be with me too. 

After what felt like the longest kiss in history, we both pull away breathless and rest our foreheads against each other. Just living in the memory of everything that just took place. It still doesn't feel real to me yet. I can't stop smiling while looking into her big brown eyes that glow in the bright sun like embers. We stay just like that with me holding her for a little while longer before she sighs and drops her legs from around my waist before standing on her own entirely.

She giggles at me when she sees that I have a small pout on my face before she laughs, "come on."

"Where are you going?" I ask her as she takes my hand and drags me away from the HUGE crowd of people that gathered to see what was going on. 

"To the tree I still want the last note!" She yells as she skips her way to the tree holding my hand and dragging me along with her. I shake my head and laugh wholeheartedly at me girl. Hm, my girl. I like that I just need to ask her to make it official, and I know exactly how to do it. 

--- Jo's Point of View ---

"Are you coming with me or not?" I ask Xander as he stares at the tree in front us. Our tree.

"You want me to go up with you?"

"Well yeah, why wouldn't I?" I ask him with a confused tone to my voice. 

"Well it's your safe space I don't want to disrupt that."

"Seriously? Xander after everything that has happened the last two weeks that is what you are afraid of? I want you up here with me. Besides you are also my safe place right?"

"Okay," he tells me with a small smile and I can tell that he is ecstatic that I referred to him as something I feel safe with. Climbing up the tree with Xander close behind we shortly make it to the spot I always sit at. With the two of us firmly in place on the branch I grab the note and hand it to him. 

He looks a me weird, "I thought you wanted it?"

"I do, but I want you to read it to me."

"Why? Nothing in this note matters anymore I told you about all the other things already."

"I know but I want to know what this one says," I state pointedly, "and I want you to read it."

"Okay fine. I'll read it," he says before unfolding the note, "My sweet Tesoro, I hate seeing you with other guys. I wish it was the two of us together instead of you with someone that isn't me. I understand that you can't keep waiting for me to find the courage to tell you who I am. Please don't give up on me Jo. Tell me that you want to still know who I am, that you are still willing to hold on to whatever we could be... Tesoro, please write your answer on this paper and leave it here in our tree."

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