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Following behind the procession, he watched the edges. People mourned over the three that had died, all while guards and snipers watched from above. They didn't like groups, but they couldn't do anything about a funeral.

Behind him, Kele, Coahoma, and Maikoh and Tala carried saplings- some older, some younger, depending on the age of the one who died.

It was a long procession. It could be up to an hour to walk from the garden to the forest, but every person carried on. He spotted Hawaii and Alaska in the crowd- Via, Rico- all of them. Everyone who wasn't too hurt to come was here, following alongside him.

As they finally got to the forest edge- where three holes were already dug, the bodies were lowered, the white cloth draping over them. One member from each of their families jumped in- Veronica with Thomas, Alexandryn with Fajra, and Alvin, her boyfriend, with Ava.

The white sheets were thrown up, landing beside the holes, Melantha running forward to collect them as the three got adorned with the jewels they owned in their life, the ones that didn't have enough room on their body got it placed on their chest. The only thing that stayed off them were things they had willed to their family and friends. He noticed Alvin fiddling with Ava's necklace when he jumped out. Veronica had Thomas' earring, and Alexandryn handed a wedding ring back to their mother, Adeena's heart seeming to break more.

The saplings were placed in front of the corresponding grave.

He stepped forward, the death rite coming from his lips like second nature as the dirt behind the graves shifted forward, covering the bodies just enough before the saplings seemed to stand up on their own and walk into the graves, starting to plant themselves as the dirt continued to flow in.

After it was done, he fell to his knees, starting to cough, a few people running forward to see if he was okay.

"Just tired," he said, another cough coming from his throat. He felt so weak, his entire body shaking like a leaf.

Conner grumbled, picking him up under the shoulder and starting to lead him back to the house, the family dispersed, some to go to pay their respects, others to go back home, others to get back to work.

"C'mon, you need a rest," he muttered as they got to the stables, Alfred's feet starting to fall out from under him.

"No," A guard said, "he chose to use magic, today he is not allowed to collect any more."

"We can barely 'collect' any at all," Conner countered, "you shitheads stopped the flow."

"I am only following orders," the guard victimized himself, pissing off the brothers more.

In a second Alfred's hand shot out, the guards mask breaking as his eyes were torn out with one slash. He fell to the ground, blood coming from his face.

"You are required by law to deny unlawful orders," Alfred spat, his hair starting bristle, "making yourself the victim is confirmation that you did something bad and knew it was bad and tried to get away with it."

Conner sighed, looking down on the guard. His partner was staring at the body like a deer in headlights, before he got out his bat.

The brothers shared a look as the guard ran forward, Conner holding his hand out as the guard went to strike, flame bursting from his palm. The guard was dead in a few seconds.

"Run." Alfred said, hearing heavy footsteps.

"You can't run!" Conner exclaimed, "I'm not leaving you behind."

"I'm not gonna get killed."

"That's not the point!"

"Get on the ground." A guard ordered, Conner dropping his brother before getting on his knees both holding their arms behind their head.

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