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"What about those scrolls?" Turkey asked, poking one until it fell off the table, "Useless?"

"We haven't even opened them yet," Norway said, shrugging, "try them."

Turkey slipped the scroll on the floor up with his foot and kicked it up, grabbing it before looking at it for a few seconds before gaining a face that screamed 'why?' and extreme irritation.

Greece looked over his shoulder and started giggling.

"It's in Linear B." Turkey said, shoving it into Greece's arms, "You read it."

"I think I'm the only one that can."

"Shut up."

Greece started reading through the paper. It was mostly just a big picture, but all the notes on the edges were in Linear B- also known as the language they wrote in, in Mycenaean Greece.

He noticed specifically, it was how to break a seal to summon a helper- like the things for the Medusa's snake crystal they'd gotten, but harder.

"Okay," Greece said, "did anyone get an egg?"

Russia took the egg he'd gotten and put it on the table as Greece nodded.

"The last words say 'the key is the spear.' does anyone have any clue what that means?"


"Not a clue~aru."

"Do we have to find a spear now?" Denmark asked, "damn."

Most people just focused on trying to figure out what the city was while Greece and Turkey argued over what 'the key is the spear' meant.

"Where in the world does it even say that?" Turkey growled, Greece smacking his finger down above the word spear. Turkey glanced at it a second before deadpanning.

"The word is peeling off the paper."

Greece passed a glance before pulling the scroll over to himself, scratching the key off the paper. As soon as it was completely off, it turned into steel, both nations watching it with interest.

Turkey grabbed the egg, Russia watching them out of the corner of his eye. Greece stuck the key in the lock, the metal surrounding the egg popping off. Greece passed a glance to the scroll before flipping the egg upside down, revealing a crack in the surface.

The two shared a glance before Turkey got up and grabbed a tray, Greece setting the egg on it. Like mother birds, they waited.

Norway watched the two over their shoulders to make sure something wouldn't blow up while Iceland spent his time organizing the other two scrolls. Aka, trying to set them on top of each other because he was bored.

Italy, Romano, and Latvia screamed their heads off when the egg exploded. Germany yelled something about not making the plane explode and Prussia, Denmark, and Australia let out the most nervous laughter any of them had ever heard.

"What did you two do?" Switzerland asked, glaring at the two shell-shocked men.

Turkey squeaked something out but nobody had any idea what he said so it fell on deaf ears.

A squeal came from the little bit of smoke that flew up from the tray, and something walked out.

It was pure white, and tiny, like, chick tiny. Greece got a good look at it, his head spinning as he studied it.

Bat wings, lizards head, barbed tail, claws on its arms and legs- it was a dragon. But tiny. Very, very, tiny.

It let out a little noise, similar to a bird, before looking around for a few seconds, stretching its wings before doing a little stumbly walk around the tray, trying to climb the wall but either not knowing, or not strong enough, too.

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