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He managed to hold back his tears as he carried Alfred bridal style. He was lighter than he was the last time he'd held him, by more than he deemed natural. He wondered if he just got lighter when he was in demon form, or if he hadn't been eating.

He looked healthy though, besides his lip, which was cut.

Then again, why was he wearing a sweater and jeans in the July heat? He was covered from his neck to his toe.

He shook his head and walked a little closer to the nations.

They laughed and celebrated. Denmark looked ready to book it into the house, but Belarus and Norway held him back while Iceland egged him on. Finland and Sweden were looking at the trees and river with awe- not much nature was left in Europe, and here it was almost all nature, at least it seemed.

He heard France, Germany, Prussia, Spain, Italy, and Romano talking about buying alcohol, Turkey and Greece occasionally adding comments, definitely agreeing. England was most definitely lecturing Australia, Canada, and Mexico on their manners, two definitely not listening while one nodded wildly.

Lithuania talked with the other Baltics and Poland, then asking him questions about the house with excited tones. Switzerland and Liechtenstein stood off to the side, smoking. He heard Switzerland laugh when Liechtenstein took too long of a drag and started coughing. Japan and China stood off to the side, watching with light smiles.

Russia was silent, rocking the American gently in his arms and smiling lightly when he shifted, burying his face into his coat.

"Russia watch out!" he heard England yell as he looked up. Time seemed to stop as Russia looked to where England was pointing- above him.

A man had jumped off the cliff. He was holding a dagger. He was going to peirce Russia in the head.

He tried to move, but he was caught like a deer in headlights.

He heard a growl, and suddenly the man was on the ground.

A wolf-man stood over him, with black and copper fur and a tail that swished with aggravation. The wolf-man raised its hand, each finger ending in a sickle-like claw, and brought it down on the man.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Russia almost jumped out of his skin when Rulyn's voice came out of its mouth.

"Nevermind," she sighed, turning back into her human form, her eyes still a bright highlighter yellow and her black wolf ears still visible, "this is some weird fever dream, and I'm going back to sleep."

She saw his boss and yelled, "I know you!"

"Yes you do... sir... ma'am..." his boss said, "you should."

"I'm going back to sleep. This tops the list of weird dreams," she said, shrugging before climbing all the way up the cliff (a good five meters or so) with ease and sitting up there, just watching with little interest.

Everyone was silent.

"Officer! Officer Brandon!" the leader of this whole operation yelled, running to the dead man, "No..."

So that's what he was. Important.

And now he's dead.

Alfred shifted and whined when he heard the man's voice, Ivan going to coo at him, moving him so his head was resting on his shoulder.

Nobody bothered him, but he could tell his boss was staring at him. Great way to make him uncomfortable really fast.

He heard clicking of horse hooves and looked up to see a girl with a Native (?) skin tone on a black stallion. She had long black hair that was thrown over her shoulder in a braid, and she smiled lightly upon seeing them, before slipping off her steed, and looking around at the people, her eyes landing on Rulyn.

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