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He groaned when he got up, holding his head as he looked around. He was in his own bed, so that was something.

There were a few people arguing, but he couldn't exactly hear them. It kind of felt hollow.

He heard someone coo to him and felt a hand check his temperature. He wasn't sure who, his gaze was too blurry.

The yelling stopped, and a door opened and closed and his eyes finally adjusted.

"Hey..." he muttered, giving himself a moment to remember his name, "Gad."

"Hey... dumbass," Gad replied, letting his hand down from his forehead, "sorry we couldn't let ya' sleep more, they're gettin' demandin'."

"It's fine," Alfred said, yawning, looking around to see Hesutu, Ziracuny, and Kele were around too, even though Ziracuny was sleeping on his bed.

"No, it really isn't," Kele growled, "if they don't leave soon I'll be leaving a firecracker up some of their asses."

"They're angry for a reason," Hesutu countered, "one of their own went missing."

"Ya, because they were gonna kill him," Kele responded, glaring down at the younger brother.

"Liu didn't do anything," Dyami interjected, "besides, he's safer now. They don't like safety."

"Ya, they like normal humans risking their lives with demons," Gad growled, "we could probably kill them all."

"They have Mi hooked up like a medical patient," Hesutu, always a word of reason, replied, "we do anything wrong, they cut the cord."

"Hes, it's better for my death and your freedom-"

"Oh hell no," Kele stopped him, "I am not losing my little brother. We wait."

"For what?" Ziracuny said, waking up a little.

"A savior," Hesutu replied, motioning with his head to the door, "someone will come for us- the great king- Merlin..."

The doors burst open and two guards started trying to put him down, but he was ready. As soon as they grabbed his arms, he turned into a horde of bugs. A very specific type of bug.

The guards screamed as the yellowjackets attacked them, the wasps circling around before attacking in groups and going for key places like the neck, around the eyes, mouth and nose.

Once they were down on the ground, crying their eyes out, Hesutu turned back.

"Well," he said, pushing his boot into one of their faces, "who wants the final blow?"

"Oh, you sadist," Kele chuckled, bringing out a gun, "I love ya."

"Please kill them outside of my room," Dyami said, getting out of bed and stretching his muscles, "cleaning up blood is a nuisance."

"Oh ya, I always forget you're in your marital bed-"

"Shut up Gad," Dyami growled, the other three laughing, dragging the dead men out of the room. Two bullets, and he knew they were dead. He heard the sounds of more guards coming- the sound of screams as Hesutu stung- the sound of Kele's pistol.

He heard Ziracuny giggle, and looked over to his sister. She was playing with the plasma of the blood spilling everywhere- occasionally more would fly to her, and she was getting a larger ball of the stuff.

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