TF: Chapter Seven

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A deal to remember


Life is indeed unfair. No matter how hard you try, you can't always get what you want. And I'm an example of that. And it hurts . . .It sucks!

I didn't know where I got the strenght to leave the main room where cheers and claps can still be heard, but I did, luckily. I continued to turned to the left corner, feeling numb. Yet, my body tingles in disappointment for myself.

I lost in IPC.

Now, not only did I lost my grandparent's store, our house where I grew up, would also be taken away. Now, my mom and brother would live in the street, would starve and that's all my fault. All my freaking fault.

I walked passed all the celebrating families on the hallway and walked towards the exit. But a shiny brown shoes stopped me, their hands on either side of my shoulders.

I quickly took a step back, shrugging their filthy hands off.

"What do you want?" I wanted to shout at him, but my voice came out barely audible. I give all my strenght to my paintings earlier that now I'm left with nothing. I'm empty. Lost, even.

"Do you have a minute?" The stranger smiled. A smile that only pisses me off.

Can't he see that I'm not in the mood for his shit? I just lost in IPC, dammit!

"No," I declined and moved passed him towards the door.

But what he said next made me halt on my tracks. "One million dollar," he offered. "I'm giving you one million dollar but in one conditon."

My ears picked up. My hand dropped from the door knob and into my sides.

I turned around, meeting his satisfied smile. "You better not be joking with me or I'll kill you."

He chuckled. "Let's go somewhere private."

My heart were thumping. My mind warning me it's dangerous. I don't know him. I don't trust him at all. But his offer was tempting. I want it. I need it.



The sun nearly blinded me the moment I stepped out of the coffee shop. Mr. Aman, the guy who offered me money tipped his cowboy hat before disappearing into the street of Tokyo. One look and you would think he's a broke ass guy. But the shiny shoes he's wearing plus the half million dollar he sent on my bank account as an advance payment for our deal, tells the exact opposite.

You really can't judge people by their looks.

I waited for a taxi then, my heart still beating fast in chaos. Slowly, the feeling of guilt joins in. Higher and higher and higher, filling my body until I suffocate and needed to hold unto the pole beside me.

I have to stopped feeling this way. It'll get me nowhere.

Just then, a shadow approached, a van halting infront and before I could run because I knew too well who's that van belonged to -- the van's door opened, and Mina pulled me inside, my head burried on her neck, my shoulders shaking. And I stupidly cried my ass off.

The urge to cry that I tried to suppressed earlier, burst. Consuming me, draining me, and reminding me how weak, useless and untalented I am.

"Shh, everything will be okay, Chaeyoung." Mina's hands caress my head, the other on my hand that clenched the hem of her dress.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I have to do what I'm about to do, Mina.

"I'm sorry." I hissed. I need to stop crying!

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