TF: Chapter Three

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The Faceless: Mint and Strawberry.

For someone who hides from everyone, Mina is sure everywhere. First, at St. James Albany hotel, leaning in the corner like no care in the world. And now at the Ssur building. With her black jacket and white mask on, she tugged me forward. Away from the door, away from the people and into the far corner.

That's when her warm hand left mine.

"How come they didn't recognized you?" I asked. No one followed us. Not a single soul. For someone who's ultra popular in Paris, people sure didn't notice Mina Myoui is already standing within their reach. With mask on or not, they should know her aura by now.

"Let's get out through the back door, my driver should arrive soon," Mina ignored my question, already walking ahead.

With three long strides, I reached for her arm. "No," I tugged her closer to me so we were face to face. "You're going to talk to the media and clear my name," I demanded.

"No," she withdraw her arm from my hold, "let's make a deal instead."

Mina's only five inches taller than I am, but I feel like she was towering me. "What the heck are you up to now?" I questioned, fighting off her intimadating vibe.

"Come with me or I'll tell everyone how you destroyed my painting," Mina's brow slightly raised, eyes challenging.

Wow. The nerve of this woman.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"You know what will happen, Chaeyoung." I glared. "You'll get eliminated from the contest, get criticize by the public, and Mr. Son would be very disappointed."

"What are you doing this to me?" I hissed. My dad..why does she have to mention my dad.

"Think about your family, Chaeyoung. What will happen to them if you lose?" She advanced nearer while I took a couple step back.

"I hate you," I said, my head throbbing with the desire to run away.

"Choose wisely, Chaeyoung."

I thought for a moment. Breath, Chaeyoung. I'm here to win the contest. I'm here to help my mom. I have to stay focus and don't let Mina get in my way again. I just need to survive. Three more days and it'll be over, everything will be back to the way it was. A life Without Mina Myoui. "Fine!" I finally said. It'll get better, I convinced myself. You can survive her.

"Someday I'll get back to you Mina," I muttered as she walked passed me, our shoulder touching.

"I'll wait for you then," she replied, held my arm and pulled me forward.

I followed her to the back exit, my attention on her dirty converse along the way. Mina has been earning millions since she was fourteen. Yet, she chose to wear that dirty and ruined shoes when she can always afford a new one. Sometimes I just can't understand how her mind works.

Mina suddenly halted, her hand on my left shoulder. "What?" I snapped. We were now out in the open. The trees around us danced as the cold breeze momentarily passed.

"In the count of three, we run."

As if on cue, quick, loud footsteps can be heared. People with their cameras and microphone appeared on the side, their eyes set on us like eagles to their prey.


"One, two.." Mina grasped for my hand, lacing our fingers together, "three!" And we ran. Ran away from those reporters. Ran farther away from the building and into the street of Paris. Crossing, we took the risk and passed the cars after cars and ignored the curses from its drivers.

The Faceless (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now