TF: Chapter Two

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The Faceless: International Painting Competition: The semi final.

The next day came.

Yesterday's event were like a blur to me. I can't believe I almost forgot about the semi final which is happening today. Instead of brainstorming ideas and prepare myself for the contest, there I was, ruining somebody else's art. Now I'm doomed. So doomed!

My fellow IPC contestants were all gathered at the hotel lobby, waiting for our bus to arrive. Everyone was unexpectedly cheerful for such a nerve-wrecking day. Meanwhile I was sat on a sofa like I was drained out of energy. Yet, inside my mind I was a mess, running ideas after ideas that aren't good enough.

I didn't know I was biting my nails until Nayeon slapped my hand away from my face. She frowned, "Nervous? Don't worry I am too."

I shook my head, "I don't know what to paint, Nayeon. What if I lose?" Oh gosh. All my hardwork will go in vain just like that.

"I doubt it. You're one of the most talented artist I know, Chaeyoung. Just behind me ofcourse," she patted my back. It should be comforting, but it left a stinging feeling on my skin instead. Nayeon and her big hands.

I look at her, hiding back my winced, "I almost forgot I'm talking to an overly confident woman on earth."

"We've only been friends for like a year, but you already know me too much," she chuckled, looking proud. "But you need to stop worrying and relax, okay? Everything will eventually work out. Believe me." Nayeon added a wink to which I only responded with a shake of my head.

Ten minutes passed, all of us huddled inside the bus. Passing the trees, the stores and Paris' known tourist attractions, we finally made it to the venue. And I feel like it was all too soon. It's like I blinked and ta-da! Here we are. I haven't even made up my mind on what I am going to paint later. I hope I won't mess this opportunity up.

I have to win this competition no matter what. I've already spent more than blood, sweat and tears just to pass the audition. I couldn't give up now. I can do this!

With a new found confidence, I entered the building with a big stride.

"You have one and a half hour to finish your paintings. Cheating is prohibited as well as bathroom breaks during this time period. Please, if you have to go to the bathroom do it now. This is your MC for the event, I'll be back."

Mrs. Paler, the host, stepped down from the stage with the sound of her heels clicking and creating loud echoes across the spacious hall. Once she stepped outside, everyone around me roared to life. They started chatting, some remained quiet and the others stood up to temporarily leave the hall.

I turned to Nayeon, catching her eyes.

"Feel like puking?" she mouthed.

I nodded.

"You always puke when you're nervous," she pulled me out my seat, dragged me outside the room and into the busy hallway.

Sometimes, I just can't help but wish I can be like Nayeon. Confident. One of the many things, I unfortunately lack. But she has it, overflowing. Up to her head, down on her toes. It's admirable. And annoying at the same time whenever she gloats infront of my face.

Nayeon's friends immedietly approached us when we came back from the bathroom. Nina and Nino, from Spain. Mikaela, from the Philippines. And Jeongyeon, from korea. They all shared a glance at me, distaste evident on their faces.

"Hey," they all greeted in harmony, mainly at Nayeon while I could only stand there awkwardly until I felt my stomach started to ache again. Shit.

"You may start."

I hurried back to my seat. Mrs. Paler came back with three other men and introduced them as the judges for the event.

This is it. This is it. This is it! - I whispered to myself.

I grabbed for my brush, hands shaking with excitement and nervousness. And then, I blurred out everyone around me.

* * *

I couldn't sit still. My knees were shaking. My hands were getting clammy with sweat. My chest tightens. My whole body were vibrating with worries. Nayeon was already on the stage, waving at me. She placed 3rd. And there's only two more spots left against fifteen remaining contestants.

"And the lucky 9th placer. Please step up to the stage.." the host paused, a playful grin making towards her face. "Yoo Jeongyeon from Korea. Congratulations!"

Everyone errupted with clapped and cheers. Meanwhile I sunk deeper into my seat. Just like that, my little hope was crushed. There's only one percent chance out of a hundred that they'll call my name for the last place. 1 percent chance. Who's to say I get my luck again?

"For the 10th and last placer, congratulation on making it to the final cut --"

I closed my eyes. If I lose, it'll be the end of me. If I lose, my family has to live with no roof. If I lose.. that can't happen. Please. I need to win. My family need this.

"Please step up to the stage, Ms. Son."

I felt something burst within me. Like a newly planted seed the seeps through every fiber of my being, and soon it exploded into a new hope and happiness. Yes! Yes! YES! I stood up, mentally fist pumping the air.

It took me a while to reached the stage. My knees were shaking. My cheeks ached from smiling too much. "Congratulations," the judges shook my hand and I gladly smiled back at them, pleased to know they appreciate my work. "Thank you, thank you so much!" I said, my voice quevering.

"I told you," Nayeon mouthed when I walked past her side.

"Oh my god," I whispered, fighting back the urge to break into my celebratory dance or shout in happiness.

I looked at everyone. It was my turn to give speech. Both the unfamiliar and familiar faces stared back as I hold the microphone tighter between my hands. This is the feeling I missed. The feeling of success. The unexplainable feeling of winning. I closed my eyes, blinking the tears away.

"Good afternoon everyone --"

But a loud knock interrupted me. A guy in suit entered, looking alert. He spotted Mr. Chan across the room and approached him. "We have a problem. People from the media are here," he informed. "Miss Myoui's fans are outside creating chaos."

Everyone as well as me followed the two. A chaos was happening outside. It was like an apocalypse. Three men were having a hard time stopping the door from being burst open. There was a thumping, loud knocks on the other side, people shouting curses.

"What is this about?" One of the judges turned to the guy in suit.

"The media finally got a wiff of what happened to Miss Myoui's last painting. Her fans are here demanding an apology, sir."

The judge could only frown in confusion.

I meet Mr. Chan's eyes to my side. Who only shook his head and motioned for me to stay quite. But no, I can't do that. This chaos is all because I ruined Mina's painting. I shouldn't stay put and let these people curse me. I'm a victim, for crying sake. They have to know that Mina violated my basic human rights!

Shaking my head in defiance, I run for the door. "Let me out, I'll talk to them."

"Get back, it's dangerous!" The guards pushed me backwards, away from the door.

"No, let me out!" I hissed, still trying to get through.

I felt a hand on my shoulder seconds later, and the person only tightened their hold when I ignore them. A squeezing of my shoulders, that their nails dug into my skin finally made me turned around.

"What the hell?" But I was meet with two familiar eyes begging for me to calm down. "You again?!"

* * *

A/n; Don't forget to leave votes and comments 💕

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