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Nevaeh's POV .

I got home really late because they wouldn't let me out until they called my parents but my dad wouldn't answer because of his job so they called Casandra and she had to have a talk with the AP. I groaned over dramatically and tossed my bag on the sofa. Long ass fuck day. I went down to the basement to put Zayns hoodie in the wash before he came by to pick it up.

Once that was done I headed back up to make myself a sandwich and climbed the stairs while dragging my book bag along with me. I sat on my bed until there was a phone call coming from my phone


"Nev it's Zayn"

"I know" I chuckled

"Oh ok, are you home so I can come by for my hoodie?" He asked

Shit. I just put it in the washer. What now? Maybe he can wait here, hopefully the neighbors don't tell my dad.

"Well sure but you're going to have to wait a tad cuz it's in the wash" I laughed nervously

"Ugh fine, I'll be there in minute" be hung up and I sighed and continue to do my homework and my apology letter to Stupid fuck up Marcel.

I reread the letter one last time

I am sorry.

That you're such a dweep and a total fuck up. I hope God can fix you one day.

~Nevaeh -_-

I laughed at my prank and folded it mindlessly into an envelope and the door bell rang. I slipped my frog slippers on and ran down the stairs. I slipped the letter in my jeans pocket. When I reached he door I made sure I looked ok. Good I thought once I saw myself.

I opened the door and there stood Zayn. Zayn Malik.

"Hey" he smiled

"Sup come in" i oped the door wide and he did. He looked around and nodded

"Nice place, how much did this place cost?" He asked

I shrugged my shut the door with lock.

"Don't know a few thousands" I smiled and looked at his eyes "my dad is VP of Mac, so yeah"

His eyes widened and began to clear his throat "your dad! he's the VP!!! Why didn't you ever tell me?!?!"

I was taken aback at his shouting "Uh I didn't think it mattered. I don't like telling people because they react like this and then stick with me for my Money" I said slowly so I made sure he got my Point

He nods and coughed "oh ok. So my sweater"

"It's in the wash im going to go put it in the drier" I said and told him to wait and make himself at home while I ran to the basement.

I quickly pulled the hoodie out and into the drier in delicate and ran back up to see Zayn looking at the picture frames around the house.

Oh. oh.

I mentally facepalmed myself.

He better not ask-

"Yo Nev, who's this lady? She's pretty hot"

I looked down at my slippers and sighed. I sat down on the leather sofa and looked back up at him. His features changed as his smirk turned into a worry frown

"She-" I sighed "she's my mom"

"Oh, I see the resemblance." he chuckles nervously "does she work too?"

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