Welcome To South Park -Chapter 1-

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Sorry that it took long, I don't have any Internet connection but let's get on with the cringe
Word Count: 1594

"And just like yesterday another group of thieves in South Park were stopped by none other than our dark angel, Mysterion. In other news the st-"

I turned off the tv just as the announcer began to talk about random news that no one really cares about. It's been 2 Months since the town of south park welcomed their new hero Mysterion. Ever since footage of him appeared I was instantly hooked on this hero. While he was from South Park and I'd have no chance of seeing him myself I still dedicated a lot of my spare time to learning about him, learning everything but who he truly was. I've been tracking him for days trying to figure out his secret identity

Ever since some kid urged Mysterion to reveal himself to the public everyone has been reluctant to accept it. Word on the streets say that the kid who revealed himself to be Mysterion is named Kyle Broflovski and there's reason to believe he isn't the real hero.

Based of a few amuter videos after Mysterion was taken into custody you can see him sneaking into the police station before leaving. Kyle himself wasn't released until his parents came to pick him up so this is strong evidence he isn't the true hero.

As for me I am one of the strong believers that this Kyle kid isn't Mysterion. A lot doesn't add up. While at first glance it can seem to be true I just can't accept it. While it is hard to make out a lot of Mysterion's features he seems to be a differently built. While Kyle has the average overall appearance for a typical 10 yr old mysterion seems to be on the more skinner side, couple that with the fact Kyle doesn't seem to have more advanced combat abilities like Mysterion. Another harder to find difference is their eye color. Under the mask and shadows while hard to make out you can see he has startling blue eyes while Kyle has green eyes. This brought me to the conclusion that Mysterion isn't Kyle and Kyle merely pretended to be him to cover up his identity.

I picked up my empty bowl of cereal and carried it over to the sink before going upstairs to grab my school bag. As I began to walk down stairs i saw my mom and dad get excited.
"Is everything alright?" I looked at them worried for a bit, before they excitedly rushed me to the living room couch.

"Sweetie we love you and know you have a lot of friends here but your dad and I have just managed to buy a beautiful home in a small town. I'm sure you'll love it! When you get home pack your things in the boxes that are in the attic we leave in 3 days!" My mom finished and looked at my dad, "I'm sure you'll love it especially considering where it is."

I looked at both of them feeling my face grow warm from excitement hoping it's where I think it is, it's no surprise mom and dad know about my obsession with Mysterion. I mean after all I have news paper clippings and other items on a small desk dedicated to him.

I feel my throat tighten with a scream of excitement "Wait don't tell me we're- Are we actually moving to South Park!?"

My parents don't reply and instead rush me to the car and drop me off at school we're I spent the first 3 periods just thinking about our move.

It was finally lunch time and I grabbed the cafeteria lunch tray and joined my friends in line. We got our food and thankfully it was Thursday so we were getting cheeseburgers or pasta.

We walked towards our usual table when (friend) spoke up, "Hey (y/n) you ok? You've been spacing out a lot in class something up? Did your (pet) die?"

"Uh,huh? Uh no it's just," we got to our table and sat down and I began to explain, "Well mom and dad said we're moving this weekend. I guess I've just been looking forward to it."

"Ouch!" I exclaimed rubbing my arm before looking over at (friend 2) "Whaddya do that for?" (friend 3) and (friend 1) laughed as (friend 2) in a playfully mad voice said " you don't care that your leaving us? How rude- I'm disowning you"

We burst out into laughter as I ranted about hoping we really were moving to South Park. My friends tease me saying I only liked that small town because I was in love with a lame hero. Which is partly true but I think there is more to that small town since it somehow managed to get a such a cool hero looking after it.
The day finished and I got home and rushed up stairs to pack my things.

Newspaper paper clipping after newspaper clipping. I made sure not to leave or damage anything.

Pet supplies
Coloring books
Other items

It was now Saturday and the movers have just left with everything. Our small family got into the car with the few boxes the movers didn't take.Once I began to climb in an idea struck me. I wanted to learn as much as I could about Mysterion and who he is. He isn't gonna want to talk to some other fan of his especially when some of them are actually trying to catch him. So what better way to get him to talk than to be a hero as well?

I didn't have any real experiences with dealing with bay guys but I had taken a few Martial Arts classes before I quit after losing interest. I picked up my journal i had been sitting on the whole time and began to sketch out designs. Cape or no cape? What's my hero name going to be? What color scheme should I chose? What would make for a cool backstory and how in the world was I going to make it? Before I knew it I was out cold laying on my (animal) plush, dreaming about what the future had in store and if I would be able to finally meet the person I admired.

I slowly opened my eyes as the blinding light of the sun hit my face and made me pull the covers over my head in refusal to wake up. Suddenly the realization hit me that I was in my bed and opened my eyes to see I was in my bed in a new place. Quickly pulling my socks off, I raced out the door and saw a hallway. I went down the hall and found a few doors leading to empty room. Soon I found the stairs and went down to see my mom and dad unpacking.

"Oh (y/n) you're awake! Can you get the box with the rest of (pet)'s toys? It should be behind the driver's seat. Thanks sweetie I love you, make sure to hurry back your mom is unloading the rest of the dishes for lunch." My dad then picked up (pet) and carried them up stairs presumably to get their (bed/cage/inclosure) set up.

As I walked over the car door I saw a small doll on the road. I walked up to it to see if it was one of my dolls that may have fallen out. I picked it up to examine and though it was covered in dirt I could tell it was a beautiful doll. Her eyes were a beautiful blue ,with blonde hair ,rosy cheeks,and a pretty pink dress. I looked around seeing who may have dropped it but didn't see anyone.

Hurriedly I brought the toys placed them on the couch and yelled up at my dad,

"Hey Dad?"
"Is it alright if I go explore the neighborhood before lunch?"
"Alright just make sure your back by then and be careful."

I changed my socks and put on my shoes doll still in hand and ran out the front door to see if I could find the owner of the doll. I walked the street for a bit before realizing how big our house was compared to the others in the town. I stared at the doll and looked up to see a girl ,maybe a few years younger than me but definitely over 5 , looking around some bushes next to a red house.

I walked toward her and as the snow made a crisp sound under my shoes the girl turned around. Her hair was pulled into two pigtails with purple ribbons. Her clothes were worn and her eyes seemed puffy from crying.

She looked at me like a deer in headlights. I began to open my mouth to talk when all of a sudden she exclaimed, "My dollie! Where did you find her!?" She ran up to me and took the doll from my hands and gave it a tight squeeze. "Oh thank you thank you thank you! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't found her...or me- say you don't look like you're from around here. What's your name?"

As her face lit up with joy and curiosity I answered, "Ah my name is (y/n), I found your doll on my driveway. We just moved into town so we aren't from around here. Anyways that's a beautiful doll you have...uh erm?"

"Karen, my name is Karen! Karen McCormick!"

Mysterion and the Phantom (Kenny McCormick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now