A Great Encounter -Chapter 2-

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Sorry for no pic my laptop is slow

Word Count: 1654

"Karen, my name is Karen! Karen McCormick!"

"Well Karen that's a really pretty doll. What was it doing all alone in my driveway?" I pulled on my sleeve waiting for a reply when I heard her say, "oh, it's nothing I just lost her." Her voice seemed shaky but I didn't pry any further

She began to walk away before getting excited again and turned back to me.

"Hey my brother seems around your age maybe you could hang out with him and his friends! They are noisy but if you want to make new friends they are always doing something exciting." I thought about it for a bit. I did need new friends now that I was here and it wouldn't hurt to go with her. Also maybe the added bonus of getting to know the guys here and find out the true identity of Mysterion.

I agreed to meet her brother and his friends. We began a short walk on the street before making a left turn onto another street lined with similar looking homes. We passed two homes that were green and arrived at a third green home.

Karen ran up to a small gate next to the home that was on the sidewalk. "This way, my brother is usually with his friends playing basketball." We passed through the gate that led to a small park. A few smaller kids were in a big sand box and a few others were scattered about.

As I scanned the playground my eyes landed on 5 people playing basketball.

A boy with blonde hair, a white button up and a light blue sweater.

A boy wearing an orange jacket with green ushanka and red hair poking out.

One was wearing an orange fur lined parka that seemed to have been worn to hell and back.

Another had a cyan hat and red jacket and was clearly much bigger than the others and most obviously not Mysterion.

The last boy was wearing a brown jacket and blue hat topped with a red poof ball.

The 5 boys continued to play basketball as I just watched. The green hat boy kept getting the ball and whenever he went to score the sweater boy and red jacket kid kept blocking him. Brown jacket kid helped him as much as he could and it seemed parka kid kept being pushed off to the side.

Green hat kid shot again and the sweater kid jumped and hit the ball redirecting it where Karen and I are standing. I picked it up hearing one of them shout "Good job fat ass you hid behind butters again" . I looked at them walk over to get the ball when the kid wearing the orange parka walked faster than the rest to greet Karen.

This is her brother I'm guessing.

He began to talk or so I assume. His words are nothing but muffled noises that I can't seem to make out. Karen nodded to him and talked about the doll. Soon enough the others stood around us.

"Hey thanks for grabbing the ball," I looked up from Karen and switched my attention over to the kid in the green hat, "this is like the 10th time we've had to retrieve it because of this fat ass" he said pointing a finger to the red jacket kid.

"Hey who's the new kid?" A new voice perked up behind the boys. Another group of boys stood there. Brown jacket kid rolled his eyes and annoyingly responded with, "Oh screw of Craig"

The boy in the blue chullo hat who I assume is Craig seemed unfazed by the comment and grabbed the strings on his hat and motioned to the rest of his friend group to leave. Only saying, "fuck you too man."

I rocked back and forth on my heels feeling awkward, "So anyone gonna introduce me?" I gave a small chuckle before giving a small smile at Karen begging for help.

Mysterion and the Phantom (Kenny McCormick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now