The Freedom Pals -Chapter 3-

427 11 19

Word Count: 1999

I finished my shower and grabbed my clothes to wear. I brushed through my hair and dried it. I began to wonder if the guys would show up since I really only had talked to Karen and didn't know if the others had gotten the message. Just as I was heading down stairs I heard the doorbell ring and ran to answer the door.

"Hey (y/n)." I saw Karen holding onto her brother's sleeve. Kenny looked over at me and gave me a small wave. Behind both of them stood a couple who were obviously his parents. Another boy was with them, he had messy brown hair similar to Karen's, was clearly older than the two other siblings, and had braces.

"Hey Karen, Hey Kenny, I'm glad you could make it! Come in mom is still getting dinner ready!" I welcomed them all in and my dad came out to greet the McCormicks. I took Karen, Kenny and their brother up to my room. It didn't take long for the others to arrive but Cartman was the last to get there and seemed annoyed.

While we were waiting Kenny introduced me to his older brother who was with them. His name was Kevin and he was a few years older than us. He had messy hair similar to Karen's. But he had Kenny's eyes, he also had some braces that gave him a noticeable lisp.

"Hey so do you have anything to do new kid?" Stan asked me looking around my room. I thought about it then remembered I had some board games we could play or I could get my ps4 out. I looked over at Karen who was near my closet, "Hey you can look in my closet and pick out a board game for us. Or do you all want to play a video game? I have 3 controlers." I looked at the others for a response.

"Hell yea! What games do you have?" Stan got excited and got up to look at my closet with Karen to look through the games. Just before they opened it I remembered my shrine like possession of Mysterion I had. I got up from my bed and went to stop them but I tripped and when I looked up at Stan who already was looking through the small boxes.

I got up hoping he and Karen didn't see the Mysterion things but all hope was lost when I heard Karen say, "Whoa these are photos of my Guardian Angel." She held a small newspaper clipping looking at it with curiosity. "huh?" I asked looking at her a little confused, those were photos of Mysterion after all.

"Oh don't tell me you're another fangirl of THAT so called hero, he's more of a copycat. nothing like the real hero of South Park." Cartman said with annoyance in his voice. Stan grabbed a newspaper I kept. "She's definitely a fan girl" He showed everyone the newspaper pointing at the circled article about Mysterion. "He's Right though new kid he isn't the best hero South Park has. He's actually pretty average."

I looked at Stan and Cartman confused. "This is my Guardian Angel, He's an amazing hero. Any time I need help he comes to save me and he protects me! He is definitely the best hero." Karen said as she gave a soft smile to the clipping she held.

"What do you mean 'he's nothing like the real hero of South Park'?" I look at Cartman really confused. He stood up and crossed his arms before speaking. "You see that loser is just a dumb idotic hero who is just a lame copycat of the original hero, The Coon. The Coon is the real hero who is here to clean the streets of South Park. He wears a mask covering his true identity. No one knows where he came from or why he chooses to put his life on the line. All we do know is that he's one of the greatest heroes!" He placed his fist on his hips looking proud.

"No way man. He's hardly a Hero, the Human Kite is objectively better than him. Sure he isn't as violent as the Coon but his healing and caring personality makes him a way better hero." Kyle looked at Cartman who only responded with an eye roll and a quick, "Well that's because you're a Jew."

"Both of you shut up, you both know the best hero is a hero who can do damage and heal. That's what makes Toolshed the superior hero. His drill inflicts so much damage and is able to heal just as much. Besides, who would even deny the fact Toolshed is the smartest hero?" Stan said nonchalantly as he placed the newspaper back into my box.

Mysterion and the Phantom (Kenny McCormick x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now