Time to Get To Work -Chapter 5-

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    "And that's pretty much it. Thats most of the guys." Wendy looked at Bebe who tapped her chin. "Yep, that's pretty much everyone. Though like we keep saying it's going to be near impossible to figure out which of the guys is Mysterion. That's assuming anyone in our class or grade is Mysterion." She place a strawberry in her mouth before looking through my notebook that i had put on the center of the table. Once we had gotten our food the girls wrote down the boys names while they told me about them. Bebe picked up my pen and wrote in it. When she handed it to me i saw a number written. "If you even have any more questions you can come to me and wendy after school. We are usually at my house with some of the other girls just call me if you ever want to come over.

    "By the way, new kid, I know you're new and all but do you have a crush on anyone?" Nicole pointed at me with her plastic pudding cup spoon. I stuttered surprised, where did that come from, "I- well uh, no not really." I gripped my notebook not knowing how to respond. "Do you girls like anyone?" the girls giggled. "A few of us have boyfriends." Nicole pointed over a table a few rows behind us. "They are over there." I looked back and saw Kyle, Stan, Kenny, Cartman, Butters, Craig, Token, and Clyde. "Oh," I "OH I have a great idea!" Bebe looked at me with a big grin, "Why don't you try guessing our boyfriends or who we like!"

    "Let's see, Wendy and Kyle? Bebe and Craig? Red and Butters? Annie and Stan? Heidi and Kenny? Clyde and Nicole? Token and Nelly?" I looked up at the girls and saw a few of them holding in a laugh. "You couldn't have been more wrong. I-" Red who had been pretty serious until now silenced a giggle. Nelly seemed confused. "Well, Wendy has a countinely on and off relationship with Stan, Bebe is dating Clyde, Red isn't dating anyone and won't say who she has a crush on, Annie is dating one of the other boys, Heidi doesn't have a crush on anyone nor is she dating anyone, Nelly is the same, and I'm dating Token." Nicole explained. The girls looked at me before my face turned red from embarrassment. The bell rang dismissing us. The rest of the day went on normally.

When the final bell rang we began to exit the school. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from my mom telling me to text dad to pick me up or walk home. "Hey new kid are you walking home?" Kyle walked up to me bag on his shoulders with kenny and stan close behind him. "I'm probably gonna have my dad pick me up." "Oh, do you want to hang out later? The guys and i were thinking of heading to buddy's pizza later. They have some of the best arcade games there and wanted to know if you wanted to come along. Karens gonna be there." Stan said. I looked at my phone and saw a text from my dad asking if i wanted to be picked up. "What time should i be there?" Kyle told me around 5 and i texted my dad back asking to be picked up. "I'll see you guys there later if i can!"  I waved the boys bye as they walked down the street.

Soon enough my dad showed up to pick me up and head home. I walked inside and took my shoes off. I grabbed a yogurt tube from the fridge and played one of the rhythm games I had downloaded. "How was your first day kiddo?" I sat up on the couch and told my dad it was pretty normal leaving out the bit where I gathered  information on the guys at school. "By the way dad do you think i could go to Buddy's Pizza in like an hour? Some of my friends are meeting up to play arcade games." "Alright sweetie, just make sure you aren't back too late ok?" "thanks dad!'' I threw the empty yogurt tube in the bin and went upstairs to kill some time. The clock hit 4:50 and I grabbed a small bag and put in a water bottle, a charger and my phone.

"Dad i'm heading out!" I closed the door behind me and began my walk to Buddy's Pizza. Obviously I had no idea where I was going but I looked up the directions on my phone beforehand so I just had to follow the gps.It was a bit away so I decided to skate there with my board. I took a left at the park and as I made my way to main street I heard someone scream. I looked up and saw some people running out of the bank one man held his arm and blood was soaking through. Loud gunshots were heard. Police cars showed up moments later surrounding the bank. I ran up to get a closer look. An ambulance showed up for the man who had been shot and there were more on standby. "THERE!" I heard someone shout. I looked around then up and I saw the silhouette of a diamond, a boy with messy hair, and next to him were two boys dressed in blue both looking very similar. The only thing distinguishing them was their vastly different hair colors and small little differences like gloves.

    Lighting filled the sky as the blonde boy in blue dropped down followed by the black haired boy in blue. A bright light filled the scene, the smell of lightning and rain was quickly killed by the smell of burning aspat as all the heros disappeared under the smoke. After a few crashes and gunshots were heard from inside one of the blue boys walked out with some of the bank workers. Soon after the other two heros walked out with the criminals knocked out as soon as they saw police heading towards them the boy with the kite held it up and flew away. The boys in blue linked hands and in another flash of lightning were gone.

I hurried to Buddy's Pizza to tell the others, 3 heroes just appeared and saved a bank. All three were boys and 2 wore matching shirts... I wrote down some notes in my phone while waiting for the cross light. As it turned green I boosted myself and continued to Buddy's.

I arrived at Buddy's and looked for the guys and found them at the booths nearest to the arcade area.  "Oh by guys you meant all the guys huh?" I looked at Kenny and Stan while pointing to Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Clyde, and Token. "Speaking of which, where's Kyle?" I looked around again and I couldn't see him. "Oh he's running late I guess," Kenny looked at Craig who just shrugged in response. "By the way Karen and tricia are already playing at the arcade area so let's get going Kyle's show up soon." Kenny unzipped his parka and tied it around his waist, the other guys did too but a few kept their coats on and Craig kept his hat on.

A while later Kyle showed up out of breath, his hair a mess and jacket zipped up halfway. "Sorry guys I forgot about our meeting and my phone kinda died" he panted placing his hands on his knees. "I have a charger if you need one, I usually carry it around since I tend to over work my phone." Kyle stumbled over his words and his cheeks went redder, "no it's totally fine i left it at home anyways" He gave a small chuckled before Stan pulled him to the side leaving the rest of to continue our game of Mario Kart. Token had the most wins so far Craig was close behind by only 1 and Kenny was third with 3 wins.

    Kyle and Stan rejoined the group after 2 more rounds where Kenny won one and Craig the other. We switched games a bit and during the ddr rounds i told the guys what i saw at the bank. "Sounds like the Human Kite, Scout S.C, and Scout W.T." Kenny said, he put his hands in his pockets and frowned. "Hm where's Karen? I'm out of change so I need to find the kiddo and tell her." He slipped away to find Karen and Craig's sister.  I checked the time and saw it was getting late so I said bye to the guys and left.

    I stopped for the light again and pulled out my phone.





    TITLE: Scout SC


    TITLE: Human Kite



Bank robbery at Main Street.

Powers: all are unidentified but maybe elemental. Current status? Unknown.

    The light flickered signaling me to go, when i got home i jumped into the shower and planned out my next move.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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