Red's Guardian (RWBY Romance Fanfic)

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On the island of Vytal, Team RWBY walks into a temple after clearing the Grimm around it. Ruby walks up front as she looks at a picture of what they're after. They see lots of dust and webs everywhere. They also see weird hieroglyphs scattered on the walls.

The team was sent by Ozpin to retrieve a vase from this recently discovered temple.

Yang: So Rubes, where should this artifact be?

Ruby: Ozpin said that it should be in a large room sitting on a podium.

Yang: Okay, simple enough. Why didn't the archeologists grab the thing before they left?

Blake: The archeologists who found this place wasn't able to retrieve it because the Grimm showed up so quickly. That's why we were sent. It's fairly simple for first year students and we still see some action.

As the team walks through the temple halls, they admire some of the architecture before entering a large room.

Ruby: Okay everyone, search the room. And look out for traps! Temples always have traps! AND SNAKES!!

Weiss: Ruby, this isn't like that archaeology/action film you watched recently.

Everyone splits up around the room to check the many podiums in it for the vase. Ruby sees some weird carvings on some of the podiums, showing people with laser eyes defeating Grimm.

Ruby: Huh, weird...

Weiss: Ruby! I think I found it!

Ruby and everyone else runs over to where Weiss was, there they see a podium that has a red and black vase on top of it.

Ruby: That was easy to find.

Yang starts walking to the podium.

Yang: Alright, let's grab it and go.

Ruby: Wait!

Ruby stops her sister.

Ruby: There could be booby traps! We should get a bag of sand so that we can use it to mimic the weight of the vase in case-

Blake: Ruby, I already got it, there's no traps.

Ruby looks at Blake, who's holding the vase in her hands by the podium. Nothing is happening.

Ruby: Oh...

Blake walks over to Ruby and gives her the vase.

Ruby: I think I should watch less movies...

Ruby takes a step back as she was about to turn around and feels the stones were uneven and she ends up tripping. She yelps as she drops the vase as she fell. Ruby faceplants onto the floor as she hears the vase break.

Ruby: oh come on!!

Weiss: Ruby, you clutz! Ugh!

Weiss facepalms as Ruby sits on her knees. She tilts her head as she sees a weird little light come out of the pieces of the vase.

Everyone notices the light as it hovers over Ruby.

Ruby: Uhhhh..... Guys?

Everyone is quiet as they don't know what to say. The light flies around Ruby before flying back to the vase and a brighter light shines, making team RWBY cover their eyes.

When the light dims, the team uncovers their eyes. When Ruby uncovers her eyes, she sees a boy about her age leaning over to her and smiling.

??: Hallo!

Ruby: WHA!!

Ruby jumps back from the boy, who had red hair with white highlights. The boy wore a white and red cloak kinda like hers, a white jacket with black trims, black cargo pants and black boots. She also notices he has silver eyes too. He smirks and offers his hand to help her up from the ground. She hesitantly takes his hand and he lifts her onto her feet.

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