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Everyone always makes Richie the badboy, so I did the opposite ;)

Eddie put the cigarette to his lips. It was his third one of the day, and it was only one o'clock. He breathed in the toxic fumes and blew them out shortly after, making sure the smoke avoided his best friends face at all costs.

"I don't understand how you like that" Richie said, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater. He never liked the thought of voluntarily putting tar in his lungs, as lost others would agree, but still had an interest as to what it felt like.

Eddie took another hit of the cigarette before answering his friends question.
"Wanna try it?" Eddie pushed the lit cigarette towards Richie, and Richie shook his head aggressively.

"Nope. I don't want smokey lungs thanks. It's so dirty and fucking gross"

Eddie thought for awhile, breathed in a breath of fresh air and risked the two boys entire friendship in one sentence.

"Well if you kissed me you wouldn't get smokey lungs" Eddie smiled as he said it, and Richies speckled cheeks flushed a shade of scarlet.

No more words were exchanged between the boys as Eddie leaned in, his lips swiftly attaching themselves to Richies. The kiss very quickly escalated and Eddie found himself on top of Richie as their lips danced together like a couple on a ballroom floor.

At first, the taste wasn't very pleasant to Richie. The bitterness of Eddies mouth was a very new taste to Richie, but he grew used to it, and grew it love it.

They continued to make out, their tongues getting thrown into the mix as they got more into it. Richie occasionally let out a sigh of pleasure, and as did Eddie, until they both pulled away, smiling like psychopaths.

Eddie had put his cigarette down while he and Richie shared that moment, and the cigarette had gone out. Eddie threw it on the ground and stomped on it, ensuring it couldn't cause a fire.

"That was, well, different" Richie scratched the back of his tanned neck, the hairs standing on end.
"Different. Nice. I liked it" Eddie smirked and wrapped his arms around Richies waist, Richies arms around his neck.

They leaned in again, fireworks erupting from their stomachs and exploding in their hearts. Finally. Finally they could share a moment as valuable as this together. It was all either of them had ever wanted from each other and they had received it at long last.

They continued that way for the rest of that day, and continued to do the same thing for days, weeks, years afterwards, happiness never leaving either of their systems.

I'm currently working on another book so updates might be slow on here :(
My next book isn't Reddie :0  I can't can't wait to publish the first chapter for you guys :D

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